
Practical guidelines for the clinical use of plasma.


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Despite differences in the composition of fresh frozen plasma (FFP) and solvent/detergent-treated plasma, prospective controlled clinical trials have not revealed any significant difference in clinical efficacy and tolerance between the two types of plasma. Evidence of the clinical efficacy of plasma is mainly based on expert opinion, case reports, and on controlled and uncontrolled observational studies. The application of plasma without laboratory analysis to verify the coagulopathy is normally not justified. With the exception of emergency situations when timely clotting assay results are not available, the administration of plasma in coagulopathy must be verified both clinically and by laboratory analysis before plasma is administered. The rapid infusion of at least 10 ml plasma/kg of body weight is required to increase the respective plasma protein levels significantly. Based on the present state of knowledge, plasma is indicated for complex coagulopathy associated with manifest or imminent bleeding in massive transfusion, disseminated intravascular coagulation, and liver disease. Therapeutic plasma exchange with 40 ml plasma/kg of body weight is the treatment of first choice in acute thrombotic-thrombocytopenic purpura-adult hemolytic uremic syndrome (TTP-HUS). A rare indication is the treatment or prevention of bleeding in congenital factor V or factor XI deficiency, plasma exchange in neonates with severe hemolysis or hyperbilirubinemia, and filling of the oxygenator in extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) in neonates. Prothrombin complex concentrates should be preferred to plasma for the reversal of oral anticoagulation in emergency situations, since controlled studies have shown a minor efficacy of plasma. Side effects resulting from the administration of plasma are rare but have to be considered.
机译:尽管新鲜冷冻血浆(FFP)和溶剂/洗涤剂处理过的血浆的成分有所不同,但前瞻性对照临床试验并未揭示两种血浆之间在临床功效和耐受性方面的任何显着差异。血浆临床疗效的证据主要基于专家意见,病例报告以及基于对照和非对照的观察性研究。通常不合理地使用未经实验室分析的血浆来验证凝血病。除无法及时获得凝结测定结果的紧急情况外,在进行血浆治疗之前,必须在临床和实验室分析中对凝血病中血浆的给药进行验证。快速输注至少10 ml血浆/ kg体重需要显着增加各自的血浆蛋白水平。根据目前的知识水平,血浆适用于与大量输血,弥散性血管内凝血和肝病中明显或即将发生的出血相关的复杂凝血病。以40毫升血浆/千克体重进行治疗性血浆置换是急性血栓性血小板减少性紫癜-成人溶血性尿毒症综合征(TTP-HUS)的首选治疗方法。罕见的适应症是治疗或预防先天性V因子或XI因子缺乏症的出血,严重溶血或高胆红素血症新生儿的血浆交换以及新生儿体外膜氧合(ECMO)中充氧器的使用。凝血酶原复合物浓缩物在紧急情况下应优先于血浆用于口服抗凝药的逆转,因为对照研究显示血浆血浆药效较弱。血浆给药引起的副作用很少,但必须考虑。



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