首页> 外文期刊>Thrombosis Research: An International Journal on Vascular Obstruction, Hemorrhage and Hemostasis >Analysis of the activated partial thromboplastin time test using mathematical modeling.

Analysis of the activated partial thromboplastin time test using mathematical modeling.


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Activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) is a laboratory test for the diagnosis of blood coagulation disorders. The test consists of two stages: The first one is the preincubation of a plasma sample with negatively charged materials (kaolin, ellagic acid etc.) to activate factors XII and XI; the second stage begins after the addition of calcium ions that triggers a chain of calcium-dependent enzymatic reactions resulting in fibrinogen clotting. Mathematical modeling was used for the analysis of the APTT test. The process of coagulation was described by a set of coupled differential equations that were solved by the numerical method. It was found that as little as 2.3 x 10(-9) microM of factor XIIa (1/10000 of its plasma concentration) is enough to cause the complete activation of factor XII and prekallikrein (PK) during the first 20 s of the preincubation phase. By the end of this phase, kallikrein (K) is completely inhibited, residual activity of factor XIIa is 54%, and factor XI is activated by 26%. Once a clot is formed, factor II is activated by 4%, factor X by 5%, factor IX by 90%, and factor XI by 39%. Calculated clotting time using protein concentrations found in the blood of healthy people was 40.5 s. The most pronounced prolongation of APTT is caused by a decrease in factor X concentration.
机译:活化的部分凝血活酶时间(APTT)是用于诊断凝血功能障碍的实验室测试。该测试包括两个阶段:第一个阶段是将血浆样品与带负电荷的物质(高岭土,鞣花酸等)预孵育以激活因子XII和XI。第二阶段是在添加钙离子之后开始的,钙离子触发一系列依赖钙的酶促反应,导致纤维蛋白原凝结。数学建模用于APTT测试的分析。凝固过程由一组耦合的微分方程描述,这些方程通过数值方法求解。已发现,仅2.3 x 10(-9)microM的因子XIIa(其血浆浓度的1/10000)足以在预培养的前20 s内完全激活因子XII和前激肽释放酶(PK)相。在该阶段结束时,激肽释放酶(K)被完全抑制,因子XIIa的残留活性为54%,因子XI被激活26%。形成凝块后,因子II被激活4%,因子X被激活5%,因子IX被激活90%,因子XI被激活39%。使用健康人血液中发现的蛋白质浓度计算的凝结时间为40.5 s。 APTT的最明显延长是由X因子浓度降低引起的。



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