首页> 外文期刊>Thrombosis Research: An International Journal on Vascular Obstruction, Hemorrhage and Hemostasis >Evaluation of advanced D-dimer assay for the exclusion of venous thromboembolism.

Evaluation of advanced D-dimer assay for the exclusion of venous thromboembolism.


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The performances for thromboembolic disease exclusion of a new microlatex-enhanced D-dimer immunoassay have been evaluated. Advanced D-dimer (Dade-Behring, Marburg, Germany) was tested with two automated analyzers, namely BCS and CA-1500. Precision studies yielded coefficients of variation (within-run and run-to-run) of 3% and 6.3% at D-dimer levels near the cut-off value, for BCS and CA-1500 respectively. Frozen samples from 294 consecutive symptomatic outpatients suspected of either deep venous thrombosis (140) or pulmonary embolism (154) from a previous management study were tested with both analyzers, as well as with the VIDAS New assay (BioMerieux, Marcy-l'Etoile, France). For BCS, sensitivity and specificity were 96.6% (95% CI, 90.5, 99.3) and 42% (35.1, 49.0) respectively at a cut-off value of 1.35 microg/ml. For CA-1500, the corresponding figures were 95.5% (88.9, 98.8) and 47.8% (40.8, 54.9) at a cutt-off value of 1.1 microg/ml. This assay appears promising and should be validated in clinical practise to assess its place in the work-up schemes of thromboembolism.
机译:评估了新的微胶乳增强的D-二聚体免疫测定法对血栓栓塞性疾病的排除性能。先进的D-二聚体(Dade-Behring,德国马尔堡)已通过BCS和CA-1500这两个自动分析仪进行了测试。精密度研究得出的BCS和CA-1500的D-二聚体水平的变异系数(内部和内部分析)分别为3%和6.3%。来自既往管理研究的294位连续有症状的疑似深静脉血栓形成(140)或肺栓塞(154)的门诊患者的冷冻样品均使用这两种分析仪以及VIDAS新测定法(BioMerieux,Marcy-l'Etoile,法国)。对于BCS,在1.35 microg / ml的截断值下,灵敏度和特异性分别为96.6%(95%CI,90.5、99.3)和42%(35.1、49.0)。对于CA-1500,其截留值为1.1 microg / ml时,相应的数字为95.5%(88.9,98.8)和47.8%(40.8,54.9)。该测定方法似乎很有希望,应在临床实践中进行验证,以评估其在血栓栓塞治疗方案中的地位。



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