首页> 外文期刊>Therapeutic Drug Monitoring >Elevated free fosphenytoin concentrations in uremic sera: uremic toxins hippuric acid and indoxyl sulfate do not account for the impaired protein binding of fosphenytoin.

Elevated free fosphenytoin concentrations in uremic sera: uremic toxins hippuric acid and indoxyl sulfate do not account for the impaired protein binding of fosphenytoin.


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Fosphenytoin is a new phosphate ester prodrug of phenytoin. Impaired protein binding of phenytoin in uremia has been extensively documented, which prompted us to investigate the protein binding of fosphenytoin in uremic sera. Also studied was the role of uremic toxins hippuric acid and indoxyl sulfate as potential inhibitor of the protein binding of fosphenytoin because these compounds impair protein binding of phenytoin in uremia. Five serum pools were prepared from normal volunteers and five pools from patients with uremia. None of them received phenytoin. The normal serum pools were diluted with saline to mimic the albumin concentration of uremic pool. Both the diluted normal pool and the uremic pool were supplemented with fosphenytoin; after incubation at room temperature for 30 minutes, total and free fosphenytoin concentrations as phenytoin equivalents were measured using fluorescence polarization immunoassay (Abbott Laboratories; Abbott Park, IL, U.S.A.). The authors observed significantly elevated free fosphenytoin concentration in uremic sera compared with that of normal sera in all cases. Because both normal and uremic sera had the same concentrations of albumin, the elevated free fosphenytoin concentration in uremic sera was not caused by hypoalbuminemia. Both indoxyl sulfate and hippuric acid cause significant displacement of phenytoin from protein binding. In contrast, none caused any displacement of fosphenytoin from protein binding.
机译:苯妥英钠是苯妥英钠的一种新的磷酸酯前药。苯妥英钠在尿毒症中的蛋白质结合受损已被广泛记录,这促使我们研究尿毒症血清中苯乙妥英的蛋白质结合。还研究了尿毒症毒素马尿酸和吲哚基硫酸盐作为潜在的磷苯妥英结合蛋白抑制剂的作用,因为这些化合物会损害尿毒症中苯妥英的蛋白质结合。从正常志愿者准备了五个血清库,从尿毒症患者准备了五个库。他们都没有接受苯妥英钠。正常血清库用盐水稀释以模拟尿毒症库的白蛋白浓度。稀释后的正常血库和尿毒症库都补充有磷苯妥英钠。在室温下孵育30分钟后,使用荧光偏振免疫测定法(Abbott Laboratories; Abbott Park,IL,U.S.A.)测量总的和游离的磷苯妥因浓度,以苯妥英当量计。作者观察到,在所有情况下,尿毒症血清中的自由磷苯妥英钠浓度均显着高于正常血清。由于正常和尿毒症血清中白蛋白的浓度相同,因此尿毒症血清中游离磷苯妥因浓度的升高并非由低白蛋白血症引起。硫酸吲哚酚和马尿酸均会导致苯妥英钠明显脱离蛋白质结合。相比之下,没有一个因蛋白质结合引起膦苯妥因的置换。



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