首页> 外文期刊>Theoretical Population Biology >A coalescent dual process in a Moran model with genic selection, and the lambda coalescent limit

A coalescent dual process in a Moran model with genic selection, and the lambda coalescent limit


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The genealogical structure of neutral populations in which reproductive success is highly-skewed has been the subject of many recent studies. Here we derive a coalescent dual process for a related class of continuous-time Moran models with viability selection. In these models, individuals can give birth to multiple offspring whose survival depends on both the parental genotype and the brood size. This extends the dual process construction for a multi-type Moran model with genic selection described in . We show that in the limit of infinite population size the non-neutral Moran models converge to a Markov jump process which we call the I> -Fleming-Viot process with viability selection and we derive a coalescent dual for this process directly from the generator and as a limit from the Moran models. The dual is a branching-coalescing process similar to the Ancestral Selection Graph which follows the typed ancestry of genes backwards in time with real and virtual lineages. As an application, the transition functions of the non-neutral Moran and I> -coalescent models are expressed as mixtures of the transition functions of the dual process.
机译:生殖成功受到严重影响的中性人群的族谱结构已成为许多近期研究的主题。在这里,我们为具有生存力选择的相关类连续时间Moran模型推导了合并对偶过程。在这些模型中,个体可以生下多个后代,其后代的存活率取决于父母的基因型和亲代大小。这扩展了具有类型选择的多类型Moran模型的双过程构造,如所述。我们证明了在无限人口规模的限制下,非中性的Moran模型收敛到一个马尔可夫跳跃过程,我们称其为I> -Fleming-Viot过程,并选择了生存力,并且我们直接从生成器和作为Moran模型的限制。对偶是类似于祖先选择图的分支-推销过程,该过程遵循具有真实和虚拟血统的基因的分类祖先。作为应用,非中性Moran模型和I>耦合模型的过渡函数表示为对偶过程的过渡函数的混合。



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