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Follow-up of 100 dogs with acute diarrhoea in a primary care practice


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This study aimed to examine the aetiology of acute diarrhoea and the relapse rate in 100 client-owned dogs presented to a first-opinion clinic. History, physical examination, faecal testing and owner questionnaire data were collected at initial presentation (T-0) and at either the time of relapse or at a recheck performed within 3 months. All dogs received treatment according to their clinical signs. Of 96 dogs that completed the study, 37 (38.5%) relapsed during the study period, 21 (21.9%) relapsed within 3 months, and 16 others (16.6%) at 3 months to 1 year after initial examination. Dogs that had undergone a change in housing location within 1 month prior to presentation and dogs <1 year old were significantly more likely to have positive parasitological analyses (P = 0.02 and P = 0.001, respectively). Pica was a risk factor for relapse (P = 0.0002)
机译:这项研究的目的是检查急性腹泻的病因和送给初诊诊所的100只客户拥有的狗的复发率。病史,体格检查,粪便测试和所有者问卷数据是在初次就诊(T-0)时,复发时或在3个月内进行复查时收集的。所有的狗根据其临床症状接受治疗。完成研究的96只狗中,有37只(38.5%)在研究期间复发,有21只(21.9%)在最初检查后的3个月至1个月内复发,另外16只(16.6%)在研究初期3个月内复发。出现前1个月内居住地点发生变化的狗和1岁以下的狗进行寄生虫学分析的可能性更高(分别为P = 0.02和P = 0.001)。 Pica是复发的危险因素(P = 0.0002)



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