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Effect of dystocia and treatment with oxytocin on neonatal calf vitality and acid-base, electrolyte and haematological status


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Under adverse obstetrical conditions, appropriate supervision and assistance during the immediate neonatal period are of the utmost importance, especially for weak calves. The aim of this study was to establish the effects of dystocia and oxytocin infusion on neonatal vitality, acid-base balance, and electrolyte and haematological homeostasis of dairy calves. Data were collected for 30 Holstein calves which were allocated to three groups: normal calving (n = 10); dystocia with mild to severe obstetric assistance (n = 10); and uterine inertia treated with oxytocin (n = 10). All 30 calves exhibited normothermia at birth, but had a significant decrease in body temperature after 60 min. Dystocic calves had lower Apgar scores than calves in the other two groups, and had respiratory and metabolic acidosis. Calves from normal calvings had normal blood pH, but base excess below the reference range. The mean partial pressure (Pa) of oxygen of calves whose dam had been treated with oxytocin was lower than that of calves from normal calvings. In all experimental groups, there was improvement in metabolic status in the first 60 min postpartum as PaCO2 values significantly decreased. All calves had normonatraemia, normokalaemia and normochloridaemia during the study period, but calves born to dams treated with oxytocin had a higher sodium concentration than those in the two other groups. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:在不利的产科情况下,在新生儿刚出生时进行适当的监督和协助至关重要,特别是对于小腿犊牛。这项研究的目的是确定难产和催产素输注对乳牛犊的新生儿活力,酸碱平衡以及电解质和血液学稳态的影响。收集了30只荷斯坦犊牛的数据,将其分为三组:正常产犊(n = 10);正常产犊(n = 10)。难产并伴有轻度至重度产科协助(n = 10);和子宫惯性用催产素治疗(n = 10)。所有30只小牛在出生时均表现出正常体温,但60分钟后体温显着下降。难产犊牛的Apgar评分低于其他两组的犊牛,并且患有呼吸性和代谢性酸中毒。正常犊牛的犊牛血液pH正常,但碱含量超出参考范围。用催产素处理过的大坝的犊牛的平均氧气分压(Pa)低于正常犊牛的。在所有实验组中,由于PaCO2值显着降低,因此在产后前60分钟的代谢状态有所改善。在研究期间,所有小牛均患有正常性贫血,正常血钾和正常高氯血症,但是用催产素治疗的大坝所生的小牛的钠浓度高于其他两组。 (C)2014 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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