首页> 外文期刊>The Veterinary Journal >Frequency of isolation and identification of thermophilic Campylobacters from animals in Brazil

Frequency of isolation and identification of thermophilic Campylobacters from animals in Brazil


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Thermophilic Campylobacter spp. occur in the intestinal contents of a wide variety of animals (Rosef et al., 1983). Although Campylobacter jejuni and C. coli cause acute diarrhoeal disease in man worldwide (Nachamkin et al., 1998), in other mammalian species they are mostly present in an apparently healthy carrier state (Rosef et al., 1983). As C. jejuni and C. coli both have a cycle involving water, animals and foods, most infections in man with Campylobacter spp. are associated with animal contact (Tauxe, 1992) and consumption of raw or undercooked animal products (Detaining et al., 1987). Eviscerated carcasses at slaughter are frequently contaminated, and poultry and red meat products at the retail stage carry Campylobacter spp. (Altekruse et al., 1994). Contact with infected pets resulting in human infection has also been proposed as a potential risk (Blaser et al., 1980). The few reported studies of Campylobacter spp. as a human gastroenteric pathogen in Brazil show isolation rates ranging from 6.4 percdent to 14.3 percent (Ricciardi et al., 1979; Pavan et al., 1987). Among animals, only in the dog (Modolo et al., 1991) and in poultry are carriage rates well documented (Machado et al., 1994; Aquino et al., 1996). The aim of the present study was to determine the frequency of campylobacters in poultry carcasses and in faeces from birds and domestic animals in Brazil between 1998 and 2000.
机译:嗜热弯曲杆菌属。常见于各种动物的肠内容物中(Rosef等,1983)。尽管空肠弯曲杆菌和大肠杆菌会在全世界范围内引起人类急性腹泻病(Nachamkin等,1998),但在其他哺乳动物中,它们大多以明显健康的携带者状态存在(Rosef等,1983)。由于空肠弯曲杆菌和大肠弯曲杆菌都有一个涉及水,动物和食物的循环,因此人类弯曲杆菌属中大多数感染。与动物接触(Tauxe,1992)和未加工或未煮熟的动物产品的消费(Detaining等,1987)有关。宰杀时去内脏的尸体经常被污染,零售阶段的家禽和红肉产品带有弯曲杆菌属。 (Altekruse等,1994)。与被感染的宠物接触导致人类感染的接触也被认为是潜在的风险(Blaser等,1980)。弯曲杆菌属的研究报道很少。巴西人胃肠道病原体的分离率高达6.4%至14.3%(Ricciardi等,1979; Pavan等,1987)。在动物中,只有在狗中(Modolo等人,1991年)和在家禽中的载运率有据可查(Machado等人,1994年; Aquino等人,1996年)。本研究的目的是确定1998年至2000年之间巴西家禽尸体以及鸟类和家畜粪便中弯曲杆菌的频率。



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