首页> 外文期刊>The Veterinary Journal >Effect of dexmedetomidine vs. acepromazine-methadone premedication on limb to lung circulation time in dogs.

Effect of dexmedetomidine vs. acepromazine-methadone premedication on limb to lung circulation time in dogs.


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The study compared limb-to-lung circulation times (CT) in dogs under general anaesthesia after premedication with dexmedetomidine (DEX) or acepromazine-methadone (ACE-M). Healthy male and female dogs (n=20) were randomly assigned to receive acepromazine 0.04 mg/kg and methadone 0.2 mg/kg intramuscularly (IM), or DEX 0.01 mg/kg IM. Anesthesia was induced with propofol and maintained with isoflurane at similar concentration in both groups. Mechanical ventilation was started immediately (20 breaths/min; inspiratory to expiratory ratio 1:2) and tidal volume was adjusted to achieve an end-tidal CO2 concentration (PE'CO2) of between 3.9 and 5.3 kPa. Ten minutes later arterial blood gas was analyzed and baseline data recorded for 3 minutes. A single dose of sodium bicarbonate 0,5 mEq/kg was administered intravenously over 10 s starting with inspiration. Limb-to-lung CT was defined as the time interval between the start of bicarbonate injection and the recording of the highest PE'CO2. Following bicarbonate administration, PE'CO2 increased, and then rapidly decreased to baseline in both groups. CT was shorter in the ACE-M group (20+or-2.3 vs. 27+or-5.1 s). Bodyweight was higher in the ACE-M group (30.6+or-3.9 vs. 23.3+or-6.8 kg). Mean arterial blood pressure was higher in the DEX group (92+or-9 vs. 73+or-7 mm Hg) but premedication with DEX significantly prolonged CT compared to premedication with ACE-M.
机译:该研究比较了在使用右美托咪定(DEX)或乙酰丙嗪-美沙酮(ACE-M)进行全身麻醉后的全身麻醉狗的肢体-肺循环时间(CT)。健康的雄性和雌性犬(n = 20)被随机分配接受肌肉内(IM)接受醋丙嗪0.04 mg / kg和美沙酮0.2 mg / kg或IM接受DEX 0.01 mg / kg。两组均以异丙酚诱导麻醉,并以相似浓度的异氟烷维持麻醉。立即开始机械通气(20次/分钟;吸气与呼气比为1:2),并调整潮气量以达到潮气末CO 2 浓度(PE'CO 2 sub>)在3.9至5.3 kPa之间。十分钟后,分析动脉血气并记录3分钟的基线数据。从吸气开始,在10 s内静脉内施用0.5 mEq / kg的碳酸氢钠单剂量。肢对肺CT定义为开始注入碳酸氢盐与记录最高的PE'CO 2 之间的时间间隔。碳酸氢盐给药后,两组的PE'CO2升高,然后迅速下降至基线。 ACE-M组的CT较短(20+或-2.3 vs. 27+或-5.1 s)。 ACE-M组的体重较高(30.6 +或-3.9公斤比23.3 +或-6.8公斤)。 DEX组的平均动脉血压较高(92+或9 vs. 73+或7 mm Hg),但与ACE-M相比,DEX的预治疗显着延长了CT的时间。



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