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Feline allergic asthma and experimental models: The sky is the limit


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In a review published in this issue of The Veterinary Journal, Dr. Carol Reinero gives an extensive overview of the pathogenesis, diagnosis and therapy of feline asthma (Reinero, 2011). As a leader in the field of respiratory immunology in feline medicine, Dr. Reinero summarises the evidence supporting the view that asthma is an allergic reaction in cats. The first part of the article indicates the potential value of feline asthma for respiratory research in humans. Indeed, there is evidence that allergic diseases in humans and pet animals occur concomitantly and similar environmental allergens seem to be implicated in both human and feline asthma (Schafer et al., 2008). Moreover, asthmatic cats share the most important features of human asthma, namely, recurrent and variable symptoms of chronic airway disease, including airflow restriction, bronchial hyperresponsiveness and airway inflammation (Busse, 2007).
机译:在本期《兽医杂志》上发表的评论中,Carol Reinero博士对猫哮喘的发病机理,诊断和治疗进行了广泛概述(Reinero,2011年)。作为猫科动物呼吸免疫学领域的领导者,Reinero博士总结了支持哮喘是猫过敏性反应这一观点的证据。本文的第一部分说明了猫哮喘对人类呼吸道研究的潜在价值。确实,有证据表明,人类和宠物的过敏性疾病会同时发生,并且人类和猫的哮喘都涉及类似的环境过敏原(Schafer等,2008)。此外,哮喘猫具有人类哮喘最重要的特征,即慢性气道疾病的反复发作和多变的症状,包括气流受限,支气管高反应性和气道炎症(Busse,2007)。



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