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Bovine lymphotropic herpesvirus and non-responsive post-partum metritis in dairy herds in the UK.


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Bovine lymphotropic herpesvirus (BLHV) was detected for the first time in the UK in December 2005 in a dairy herd suffering from chronic, non-responsive post-partum metritis (NPPM). A small-scale investigation was undertaken in order to determine whether this was an isolated case. Samples of vaginal exudates or vaginal swabs were collected from cows in 13 UK dairy herds with a history of post-partum metritis that had not responded to standard treatment regimes for this condition. Cows in 9/13 herds and 1/13 herds were positive for BLHV and bovine herpesvirus-4, respectively, by pan-herpesvirus polymerase chain reaction. No consistent pattern of infectious agents or nutritional/metabolic factors commonly associated with post-partum metritis was observed at the times of sampling. The detection of BLHV in association with NPPM indicates that further work is warranted to determine the impact this virus has on cattle health.
机译:2005年12月,在英国首次检测到患有慢性无反应产后子宫炎(NPPM)的奶牛群中的牛淋巴疱疹病毒(BLHV)。为了确定这是否是一个孤立的案例,进行了一次小规模调查。从英国的13个奶牛群中收集了阴道分泌物或拭子样本,这些奶牛的产后子宫炎史对这种情况的标准治疗方案没有反应。通过全疱疹病毒聚合酶链反应,分别有9/13个牛群和1/13个牛群的牛BLHV和牛疱疹病毒4阳性。在采样时未观察到通常与产后子宫炎相关的传染原或营养/代谢因子的一致模式。 BLHV与NPPM相关联的检测表明,需要进一步的工作以确定该病毒对牛健康的影响。



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