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Tail-biting in outdoor pig production


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A study was performed in five identical outdoor production units in the same geographic area using growing-finishing pigs of similar genetic makeup, age, diet and feed management. The severity of tail-biting (TS) was scored 1-4. The average group prevalence of bitten tails at slaughter on different farms was between 14.1+/-2.1% and 20.1+/-3.0% (P<0.05). The odds of a barrow being bitten were 2.9 times higher than those for a gilt. The most frequently recorded score of bitten tails was TS3, indicating moderate wounds with low grade infection. The prevalence of bitten barrows was positively correlated with the percentage of gilts in a group (r = 0.54, P<0.001). Pigs with zero TS score had no significantly higher weights at slaughter compared to pigs with a score of TS1. As the TS increased from 1 to 4, weights decreased (TS 1 to TS 2 to 4, P<0.05). TS 3 and 4 were positively (P<0.001) associated with subsequent carcass condemnation. We concluded that outdoor rearing does not prevent tail-biting.
机译:在具有相同遗传组成,年龄,饮食和饲料管理的生长肥育猪中,在同一地理区域的五个相同的室外生产单元中进行了一项研究。咬尾(TS)的严重程度为1-4。在不同的农场中,屠宰场被咬的尾巴的平均患病率在14.1 +/- 2.1%和20.1 +/- 3.0%之间(P <0.05)。 bar猪被咬的几率是后备母猪的2.9倍。记录最频繁的咬尾巴得分是TS3,表明中度伤口感染程度较轻。被咬的公猪的患病率与一组母猪的后备母猪百分比呈正相关(r = 0.54,P <0.001)。 TS得分为零的猪与TS1得分的猪相比,屠宰时的体重没有明显更高。随着TS从1增加到4,重量减少(TS 1到TS 2到4,P <0.05)。 TS 3和TS 4与随后的car体定罪呈正相关(P <0.001)。我们得出的结论是,室外饲养不能防止咬人。



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