首页> 外文期刊>The Veterinary Journal >Calf mortality as a welfare indicator on British cattle farms.

Calf mortality as a welfare indicator on British cattle farms.


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The objective of this study was to test calf mortality as an indicator of on-farm welfare and its use for welfare targeted surveillance. Calf mortality data were retrieved for three UK counties to estimate calf mortality rates at holding and county level. A selection criterion based on upper quartiles of calf mortality for the county of concern was defined. Its predictive ability was tested in a field study. The death risk of calves less than 6 months of age in 2002 was 1.76% in Inverness, 5.83% in Cheshire and 4.8% in Norfolk. Fifty-two welfare inspections matched by parish were conducted between October 2004 and January 2005. The positive predictive value was 26.92% and the negative predictive value was 65.38%. The addition of herd type, county and membership to an assurance scheme improved the predictive value. This study shows that calf mortality can be the starting point to design targeted welfare inspections in countries with centralized animal data recording systems.
机译:这项研究的目的是测试犊牛死亡率,以此作为农场福利的指标,并将其用于福利目标监测。检索了三个英国县的犊牛死亡率数据,以估算饲养场和县一级的犊牛死亡率。确定了基于该县小牛死亡率的高四分位数的选择标准。在现场研究中测试了其预测能力。 2002年,小于6个月大的犊牛的死亡风险在因弗内斯为1.76%,在柴郡为5.83%,在诺福克为4.8%。 2004年10月至2005年1月,共进行了52次堂区福利检查,阳性预测值为26.92%,阴性预测值为65.38%。将畜群类型,县和成员添加到保证计划中可以提高预测价值。这项研究表明,在具有集中式动物数据记录系统的国家中,小牛死亡率可以成为设计有针对性的福利检查的起点。



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