首页> 外文期刊>The Veterinary Clinics of North America. Food Animal Practice >Assessing and managing body condition score for the prevention of metabolic disease in dairy cows. (Special Issue: Metabolic diseases of dairy cattle.)

Assessing and managing body condition score for the prevention of metabolic disease in dairy cows. (Special Issue: Metabolic diseases of dairy cattle.)

机译:评估和管理身体状况评分以预防奶牛的代谢性疾病。 (特刊:奶牛的代谢性疾病。)

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Body condition score (BCS) is an assessment of a cow's body fat (and muscle) reserves, with low values reflecting emaciation and high values equating to obesity. The intercalving profile of BCS is a mirror image of the milk lactation profile. The BCS at which a cow calves, her nadir BCS, and the amount of BCS lost after calving are associated with milk production, reproduction, and health. Genetics, peripartum nutrition, and management are factors that likely interact with BCS to determine the risk of health disorders.
机译:身体状况评分(BCS)是对母牛体内脂肪(和肌肉)储备的评估,其低值反映出消瘦,而高值则代表肥胖。 BCS的插入轮廓是牛奶泌乳轮廓的镜像。母牛产犊的BCS,最低产的BCS和产犊后损失的BCS量与牛奶的生产,繁殖和健康相关。遗传,围产期营养和管理是可能与BCS相互作用以确定健康疾病风险的因素。



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