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On rearrangeable multirate three-stage Clos networks


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Since 1989 when Melen and Turner introduced an elegant model for interconnection networks that carry multirate traffic, the theory and applications of the three-stage Clos network has been extended from circuit switching to the multirate environment. Chung and Ross conjectured that C(n, 2n - 1, r) is rearrangeable if each call has weight chosen from a given set of k weights. Lin et al. confirmed the conjecture for a restricted discrete bandwidth case only. In this paper we show that the conjecture of Chung and Ross holds not only in the discrete bandwidth case but also in the continuous bandwidth case for r ≤ 2n/5 - 23/5.
机译:自1989年Melen和Turner提出用于承载多速率流量的互连网络的优雅模型以来,三阶段Clos网络的理论和应用已从电路交换扩展到多速率环境。 Chung和Ross推测,如果每个调用都具有从给定的k个权重集中选择的权重,则C(n,2n-1,r)是可重排的。 Lin等。仅在有限的离散带宽情况下证实了这种猜想。在本文中,我们表明Chung和Ross的猜想不仅在离散带宽情况下成立,而且在r≤2n / 5-23/5的连续带宽情况下也成立。



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