首页> 外文期刊>Theoretical computer science >Computational complexity of counting problems on 3-regular planar graphs

Computational complexity of counting problems on 3-regular planar graphs


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A variety of counting problems on 3-regular planar graphs are considered in this paper. We give a sufficient condition which guarantees that the coefficients of a homogeneous polynomial can be uniquely determined by its values on a recurrence sequence. This result enables us to use the polynomial interpolation technique in high dimension to prove the #P-completeness of problems on graphs with special requirements. Using this method, we show that #3-Regular Bipartite Planar Vertex Covers is #P-complete. Furthermore, we use Valiant's Holant Theorem to construct a holographic reduction from it to #2,3-Regular Bipartite Planar Matchings, establishing the #P-completeness of the latter. Finally, we completely classify the problems #Planar Read-twice 3SAT with different ternary symmetric relations according to their computational complexity, by giving several more applications of holographic reduction in proving the #P-completeness of the corresponding counting problems. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:本文考虑了三正则平面图上的各种计数问题。我们给出一个充分条件,保证齐次多项式的系数可以由递归序列上的值唯一地确定。该结果使我们能够使用高维多项式插值技术来证明具有特殊要求的图上问题的#P-完备性。使用此方法,我们证明#3-Regular Bipartite Planar Vertex Covers是#P-complete。此外,我们使用Valiant的Holant定理构造从其到#2,3-Regular Bipartite Planaring Matchings的全息简化,从而建立后者的#P完备性。最后,根据全息图还原的计算复杂度,通过在证明相应计数问题的#P完备性方面进行全息归纳的更多应用,将它们完全按照具有不同三元对称关系的#两次平面3SAT进行分类。 (c)2007 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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