首页> 外文期刊>The Southwestern Naturalist >Effects of seed age, germination substrate, gibberelic acid, light, and temperature on seed germination in Flourensia cernua (Asteraceae), a Chihuahuan Desert shrub

Effects of seed age, germination substrate, gibberelic acid, light, and temperature on seed germination in Flourensia cernua (Asteraceae), a Chihuahuan Desert shrub


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Flourensia cernua seeds have far lower germination than the average recorded for arid land shrubs of the family Asteraceae. In this study, we investigated whether low germination was due to dormancy effects of embryonic immaturity, the absence of hormones (i.e., gibberelic acid), moisture conditions provided by the germination substrate, or specific conditions of light and temperature. Percent germination increased for seeds between 5 and 8 months and decreased for older seed ages. We observed no increase in germination when gibberelic acid was applied to seeds. Germination was higher on an agar substrate (33.47%) than on a substrate of filter paper with cotton (7.73%), suggesting the advantage of a constant moisture condition. The highest germination percentages were obtained with white and red light, indicating that germination might be favored under conditions of exposed seed or conditions of minimal canopy and litter cover. The highest germination followed a combined pretreatment of heat and cold. These pre-treatments probably reproduced thermic conditions encountered by F. cernua seeds under field conditions. Specifically, in nature, these seeds are dispersed during cold, winter months, but germinate later, after passing through the heat of the summer. Percent germination in our experiments rarely surpassed 30%, but is still considered low compared to those reported for other desert species of Asteraceae. We suggest that a dormancy mechanism, other than those considered in this study, accounted for low germination rates in F. cernua; alternatively, reduced germination might have been caused by endogamic depression.
机译:芦荟的蜡菊种子的发芽率远低于菊科干旱土地灌木的平均发芽率。在这项研究中,我们调查了低发芽是否是由于胚胎未成熟的休眠效应,是否缺乏激素(即赤霉素),发芽底物提供的水分条件或光照和温度的特定条件引起的。 5至8个月之间的种子发芽百分比增加,而较老的种子年龄发芽百分比降低。当将赤霉素酸施用于种子时,我们观察到发芽没有增加。琼脂底物(33.47%)的发芽率高于含棉的滤纸底物(7.73%)的发芽率,这表明恒定湿度条件的优势。在白光和红光下获得了最高的发芽率,这表明在裸露种子的条件下或最小的树冠和凋落物覆盖的条件下,发芽可能更有利。最高的发芽经历了冷热联合处理。这些预处理可能再现了野外条件下蜡菊种子遇到的热条件。具体而言,在自然界中,这些种子在寒冷的冬季散布,但在经历夏季炎热后才发芽。在我们的实验中,发芽百分率很少超过30%,但与报道的其他沙漠菊科植物相比,发芽百分率仍然很低。我们建议,休眠机制,除了本研究中考虑的那些以外,是导致蜡状冷杉的低发芽率的原因。另外,发芽减少可能是由内分泌抑制引起的。



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