首页> 外文期刊>The Royal Society Proceedings B: Biological Sciences >Sperm competition, alternative mating tactics and context-dependent fertilization success in the burying beetle, Nicrophorus vespilloides.

Sperm competition, alternative mating tactics and context-dependent fertilization success in the burying beetle, Nicrophorus vespilloides.

机译:埋藏甲虫Nicrophorus vespilloides的精子竞争,替代交配策略和取决于环境的受精成功。

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Fertilization success in sperm competition is often determined by laboratory estimates of the proportion of offspring sired by the first (P1) or second (P2) male that mates. However, inferences from such data about how sexual selection acts on male traits in nature may be misleading if fertilization success depends on the biological context in which it is measured. We used the sterile male technique to examine the paternity of the same male in two mating contexts in the burying beetle, Nicrophorus vespilloides, a species where males have alternative mating strategies based on the presence or absence of resources. We found no congruence in the paternity achieved by a given male when mating under different social conditions. P2 estimates were extremely variable under both conditions. Body size was unrelated to success in sperm competition away from a carcass but, most probably through pre-copulatory male-male competition, influenced fertilization success on a carcass. The contribution of sperm competition is therefore dependent on the conditions under which it is measured. We discuss our findings in relation to sperm competition theory and highlight the need to consider biological context in order to link copulation and fertilization success for competing males.
机译:精子竞争中的受精成功通常取决于对交配的第一个(P1)或第二个(P2)雄性所生后代比例的实验室估计。但是,如果受精成功取决于所测量的生物学背景,则从此类数据得出的关于性选择如何影响自然界男性特征的推论可能会产生误导。我们使用了不育雄性技术,在掩埋甲虫Nicrophorus vespilloides的两个交配环境中检查了同一雄性的父本,该物种根据资源的存在或不存在对雄性都有不同的交配策略。我们发现,在不同的社会条件下交配时,给定男性的父子关系没有一致性。在这两种情况下,P2估计值都变化很大。身体大小与离开away体的精子竞争的成功无关,但很可能是通过交配前的雄对雄竞争,影响了cas体的受精成功。因此,精子竞争的贡献取决于测量它的条件。我们讨论与精子竞争理论相关的发现,并强调需要考虑生物学背景,以便将交配和受精男性的受精成功联系起来。



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