首页> 外文期刊>The Royal Society Proceedings B: Biological Sciences >Biting cleaner fish use altruism to deceive image-scoring client reef fish.

Biting cleaner fish use altruism to deceive image-scoring client reef fish.


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Humans are more likely to help those who they have observed helping others previously. Individuals may thus benefit from being altruistic without direct reciprocity of recipients but due to gains in 'image'#10; and associated indirect reciprocity. I suggest, however, that image-scoring individuals may be exploitable by cheaters if pay-offs vary between interactions. I illustrate this point with data on cleaner-client#10; reef fish interactions. I show the following: (i) there is strong variation between cleaners with respect to cheating of clients (i.e. feeding on client tissue instead of parasites); (ii) clients approach#10; cleaners, that they observe cooperating with their current client and avoid cleaners that they observe cheating; (iii) cleaners that cheat frequently are avoided more frequently than more cooperative cleaners;#10; (iv) cleaners that cheat frequently behave altruistically towards their smallest client species; (v) altruistic acts are followed by exploitative interactions. Thus, it appears that cleaners indeed have#10; an image score, which selects for cooperative cleaners. However, cheating cleaners use altruism in potentially low-pay-off interactions to deceive and attract image-scoring clients that will be exploited.#10;
机译:人类更有可能帮助以前观察到的帮助他人的人。因此,个人可能会因为利他主义而没有接受者的直接互惠,而是由于“形象”的获得#10;以及相关的间接互惠。但是,我建议,如果互动之间的收益有所不同,那么对图片评分的人可能会被作弊者利用。我用cleaner-client#10上的数据说明了这一点。礁鱼相互作用。我展示了以下内容:(i)清洁工之间在欺骗客户方面存在很大差异(即以客户组织而不是寄生虫为食); (ii)客户采用#10;清洁工,他们观察到与当前客户的合作,避免清洁工观察到作弊; (iii)避免经常作弊的清洁工比合作清洁工更经常避免;#10; (iv)经常作弊的清洁工对最小的客户群表现出利他的行为; (v)利他行为之后是剥削性的相互作用。因此,看起来清洁工确实拥有#10;图像分数,为合作清洁工选择。但是,作弊的清洁工在可能的低回报的互动中使用利他主义来欺骗和吸引将要被利用的图像评分客户。#10;



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