首页> 外文期刊>The Royal Society Proceedings B: Biological Sciences >Short day lengths attenuate the symptoms of infection in Siberian hamsters.

Short day lengths attenuate the symptoms of infection in Siberian hamsters.


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Symptoms of infection, such as fever, anorexia and lethargy, are ubiquitous among vertebrates. Rather than nonspecific manifestations of illness, these responses are organized, adaptive strategies that are often critical to host survival. During times of energetic shortage such as winter, however, it may be detrimental for individuals to prolong energetically demanding symptoms such as fever. Individuals may adjust their immune responses prior to winter by using day length to anticipate energetically-demanding conditions. If the expression of sickness behaviours is constrained by energy availability, then cytokine production, fever, and anorexia should be attenuated in infected Siberian hamsters housed under simulated winter photoperiods. We housed hamsters in either long (14 L : 10 D) or short (10 L : 14 D) day lengths and assessed cytokines, anorexia and fever following injections of lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Short days attenuated the response to lipopolysaccharide, by decreasing the production of interleukin (IL)-6 and IL-1beta, and diminishing the duration of fever and anorexia. Short-day exposure in hamsters also decreased the ingestion of dietary iron, a nutrient vital to bacterial replication. Taken together, short day lengths attenuated the symptoms of infection, presumably to optimize energy expenditure and survival outcome.
机译:脊椎动物中普遍存在发烧,厌食和嗜睡等感染症状。这些反应不是组织疾病的非特异性表现,而是有组织的,适应性策略,通常对于宿主的生存至关重要。然而,在诸如冬季这样的精力充沛的短缺时期,对于个人来说,长时间地消耗诸如发烧之类的症状可能是有害的。人们可以在冬季之前通过利用一天的时间来预测精力旺盛的状况来调整其免疫反应。如果疾病行为的表达受到能量供应的限制,那么在模拟冬季光照条件下饲养的被感染的西伯利亚仓鼠中,细胞因子的产生,发烧和厌食应减弱。我们在长(14 L:10 D)或短(10 L:14 D)日间的仓鼠中饲养,并在注射脂多糖(LPS)后评估了细胞因子,厌食和发烧。短日时间减少白介素(IL)-6和IL-1β的产生,并减少发烧和厌食的持续时间,从而减弱了对脂多糖的反应。仓鼠短日接触也减少了饮食中铁的摄入,铁是细菌复制的重要营养素。两者合计,短的一天的长度减轻了感染的症状,大概是为了优化能量消耗和生存结果。



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