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Predators favour mimicry in a tropical reef fish.


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Batesian mimicry evolves when the 'umbrella' of protection provided by resemblance to a conspicuous unpalatable model species is sufficient to overcome increased predation risk associated with greater conspicuousness. However, the shape and extent of this umbrella, that is, how the level of protection provided by mimicry changes with degree of resemblance between model and mimic, is poorly known. We investigated the response of wild predatory fishes to plastic replicas of a model-mimic species pair of tropical reef fishes, Canthigaster valentini (a toxic pufferfish, the model) and Paraluteres prionurus (the putative mimic), and additional replicas with progressively lower degrees of resemblance to the mimic species. Our results reveal a relatively broad region of protection, indicated by a reduced approach rate by piscivorous fishes, surrounding the colour pattern of the model species. Protection increased with increasing resemblance. By contrast, the response of non-piscivorous fishes was unrelated todegree of resemblance of replicas to the model. Our results suggest that piscivorous fishes on the reef are educated regarding the toxicity of C. valentini, and that avoidance of fish having the pufferfish colour pattern has generated selection favouring mimetic resemblance by the palatable P. prionurus. The relatively broad protective umbrella has probably facilitated the initial evolution of resemblance in the palatable prey species despite the potential hazards of greater conspicuousness.
机译:当类似于明显的难吃的模型物种所提供的“保护伞”足以克服与更大的显眼性相关的掠食风险增加时,贝茨模仿就进化了。但是,这种保护伞的形状和范围,即模拟提供的保护水平如何随模型和模拟之间的相似程度而变化,是鲜为人知的。我们调查了野生掠食性鱼类对模型模仿物种的热带珊瑚鱼,Canthigaster valentini(有毒河豚,该模型)和Paraluteres prionurus(推定的模仿物)的塑料复制品的响应,以及其他复制品的渐进性降低程度。与模拟物种相似。我们的研究结果表明,在模型物种的颜色模式周围,食肉鱼类的进近率降低,表明保护区域相对较广。随着相似度的增加,保护也随之增加。相比之下,非食性鱼类的反应与模型复制品的相似程度无关。我们的研究结果表明,对礁石上的食鱼鱼类进行了关于华氏梭菌毒性的教育,而避免食用具有河豚颜色图案的鱼已经产生了有利于可口的斑节对虾的拟态相似的选择。尽管存在更大的显眼性,但相对较宽的保护伞可能已促进了可口猎物物种的相似性的最初演变。



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