首页> 外文期刊>The Royal Society Proceedings B: Biological Sciences >Maternal androgens in black-headed gull (Larus ridibundus) eggs:consequences for chick development

Maternal androgens in black-headed gull (Larus ridibundus) eggs:consequences for chick development

机译:黑头鸥(Larus ridibundus)卵中的母体雄激素:雏鸡发育的后果

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We tested the hypothesis that mother birds counterbalance the negative effects of hatching asynchrony for later-hatched chicks by increasing the yolk androgen concentrations in consecutive eggs of their clutch. In doing so. the) may adaptively tune each offspring's competitive ability and, thus, growth and survival. However, evidence in support of this hypothesis is contradictory. The yolk concentrations of maternal androgens in the eggs of black-headed gulls increase significantly with the laying order of the eggs in a clutch. We experimentally tested tile functional consequences of this increase on chick development under natural conditions by injecting eggs with either an oil or androgen solution. We created experimental clutches in which androgen levels either stayed constant or increased with laying order while controlling for differences in egg quality by using only first-laid eggs. We then compared development, growth and survival between these broods. Androgen treatment enhanced embryonic development because androgen-treated eggs hatched half a day earlier than controls: while their size at hatching was similar to oil-treated controls. Androgen treatment did not increase chick survival, hut it enhanced growth.,Androgen-treated, third-hatched chicks had a higher body mass and longer legs than third-hatched chicks that hatched from oil-treated eggs. At the same time, growth of first chicks which M ere all oil treated was reduced by tile presence of two androgen-treated siblings, suggesting that yolk androgens enhance the competitive ability of later-hatched chicks. Our results support the hypothesis that transfer of different amounts of androgens to the eggs of a clutch is a mechanism by which mothers maximize their reproductive output.



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