首页> 外文期刊>The Royal Society Proceedings B: Biological Sciences >Hearts, neck posture and metabolic intensity of sauropod dinosaurs

Hearts, neck posture and metabolic intensity of sauropod dinosaurs


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Hypothesized upright neck postures in sauropod dinosaurs require systemic arterial blood pressures reaching 700 mmHg at the heart. Recent data on ventricular wall stress indicate chat their left ventricles would have weighed 15 times those of similarly sized whales. Such dimensionally, energetically and mechanically disadvantageous ventricles were highly unlikely in an endothermic sauropod. Accessory hearts or a siphon mechanism, with sub-atmospheric blood pressures in the head, were also not feasible. If the blood flow requirements of sauropods were typical of ectotherms, the left-ventricular blood volume and mass would have been smaller; nevertheless, the heart would have suffered the serious mechanical disadvantage of thick walls. It is doubtful that any large sauropod could have raised its neck vertically and endured high arterial blood pressure, and it certainly could not if it had high metabolic rates characteristic of endotherms. [References: 45]
机译:在蜥脚类恐龙中假设的直立脖子姿势要求系统性动脉血压在心脏达到700 mmHg。有关心室壁压力的最新数据表明,聊天时其左心室的重量将是相同大小鲸鱼的15倍。在吸热蜥脚类动物中,在尺寸,能量和机械上不利的心室极不可能。头部低于大气压的辅助心脏或虹吸机制也不可行。如果蜥脚类动物的血流量需求是典型的外热,则左心室的血容量和质量会更小;但是,心脏会遭受厚壁的严重机械缺陷。可疑的是,任何大型蜥脚类动物都可能垂直竖起脖子并承受高动脉血压,如果它具有高的吸热代谢率,则肯定无法做到这一点。 [参考:45]



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