首页> 外文期刊>The Royal Society Proceedings B: Biological Sciences >Pigeon homing and magnetic fields: a response to Luschi et al (1996)

Pigeon homing and magnetic fields: a response to Luschi et al (1996)


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This paper comments on an article 'Pigeon homing: evidence against reliance on magnetic information picked up en route at release sites' by P. Luschi, C. del Seppia, E. Crosio and F. Papi, which appeared in this journal. It is pointed out that the particular effects which these authors show to be stress-induced artefacts are restricted to their specific strain of homing pigeons. The same effects could not be observed in pigeons from two other lofts-a difference in response that was shown to have a genetic base. In view of this, conclusions drawn from the results of Luschi et al. must be restricted to their own findings; they cannot be generalized to the other findings which indicate the use of magnetic outward journey information in young homing pigeons. [References: 20]
机译:该论文发表在该期刊上,作者为P. Luschi,C。del Seppia,E。Crosio和F. Papi,发表了一篇题为“鸽子归巢:反对依赖在释放地点途中收集的磁信息的证据”的文章。要指出的是,这些作者证明是应激诱导的假象的特定作用仅限于其归巢鸽子的特定品系。在另外两个鸽舍的鸽子中没有观察到相同的效果-反应的差异表明具有遗传基础。鉴于此,从Luschi等人的结果得出结论。必须限于自己的发现;不能将它们推广到其他发现,这些发现表明在年轻的归巢鸽中使用了磁性向外旅行信息。 [参考:20]



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