首页> 外文期刊>The Royal Society Proceedings B: Biological Sciences >Do female great reed warblers seek extra-pair fertilizations to avoid inbreeding?

Do female great reed warblers seek extra-pair fertilizations to avoid inbreeding?


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Females of many species mate with several males. According to a recent hypothesis, female promiscuity serves to avoid inbreeding. We tested this hypothesis in a polygynous bird, the great reed warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus), in which extra-pair fertilization, inbreeding and inbreeding depression occur. However, the extra-pair males and social males did not differ in relatedness to the promiscuous females, nor did the least related males sire most of the females' chicks. Thus, contrary to recent findings in some insects, birds and reptiles, we found no evidence for inbreeding avoidance among the promiscuous females. Instead, female great reed warblers may seek other potential benefits when cuckolding, such as good gene effects at particular functional genes.
机译:许多物种的雌性与几只雄性交配。根据最近的假设,女性滥交可避免近亲繁殖。我们在多雌性鸟类即伟大的芦苇莺(Acrocephalus arundinaceus)中测试了这一假设,其中发生了成对的受精,近交和近交衰退。但是,成对雄性和社会雄性与杂种雌性的亲缘关系没有差异,亲缘关系最少的雄性也没有繁殖大多数雌性小鸡。因此,与最近在某些昆虫,鸟类和爬行动物中的发现相反,我们没有发现在杂种雌性中避免近交的证据。相反,雌性大芦苇莺在戴绿帽子时可能会寻求其他潜在的好处,例如对特定功能基因的良好基因效应。



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