首页> 外文期刊>The Royal Society Proceedings B: Biological Sciences >Diclofenac poisoning is widespread in declining vulture populations across the Indian subcontinent

Diclofenac poisoning is widespread in declining vulture populations across the Indian subcontinent


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Recent declines in the populations of three species of vultures in the Indian subcontinent are among the most rapid ever recorded in any bird species. Evidence from a previous study of one of these species, Gyps bengalensis, in the Punjab province of Pakistan, strongly implicates mortality caused by ingestion of residues of the veterinary non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug diclofenac as the major cause of the decline. We show that a high proportion of Gyps bengalensis and G. indicus found dead or dying in a much larger area of India and Nepal also have residues of diclofenac and visceral gout, a postmortem finding that is strongly associated with diclofenac contamination in both species. Hence, veterinary use of diclofenac is likely to have been the major cause of the rapid vulture population declines across the subcontinent.
机译:印度次大陆上三种秃鹰的种群最近减少是有史以来鸟类中记录最快的种群之一。先前在巴基斯坦旁遮普省对其中一个物种吉普斯(Gyps bengalensis)进行的研究表明,食用非甾体类抗炎药双氯芬酸残留物引起的死亡是该下降的主要原因。我们显示,在印度和尼泊尔更大的地区发现死亡或垂死的吉普斯孟加拉虎和印度鹦鹉螺也有双氯芬酸和内脏痛风的残留物,这是死后的发现,与这两种物种中的双氯芬酸污染密切相关。因此,兽用双氯芬酸可能是整个次大陆上秃鹰种群迅速减少的主要原因。



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