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Testosterone and male mating success on the black grouse leks


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On black grouse (Tetrao tetrix) leks females prefer dominant, viable males that have managed to acquire relatively central territories. The immunocompetence hypothesis predicts that, because high levels of testosterone are costly to the immune system,male sexual traits that are controlled by testosterone are likely to serve as reliable indicators of male health. Indeed, testosterone concentrations of black grouse males were highly variable, and strongly corielated with male mating success. This is related to the fact that males with high testosterone levels had most central territories. However, the association of testostestorone level with male mating success was not solely related to centrality. Indeed, the particularly strong correlation suggests a possibility for an important role of the immunocompetence hypothesis in this lekking bird species.
机译:在黑松鸡(Tetrao tetrix)上,韭菜的雌性更喜欢占优势的,有生存能力的雄性,这些雄性已经设法获得了相对中央的领土。免疫能力假说预言,由于高水平的睾丸激素对免疫系统而言是昂贵的,因此由睾丸激素控制的男性性状很可能是男性健康的可靠指标。实际上,黑松鸡雄性的睾丸激素浓度变化很大,并且与雄性交配成功密切相关。这与以下事实有关:睾丸激素水平高的男性拥有最多的中部地区。然而,睾丸睾丸激素水平与雄性交配成功的关系不仅与中心性有关。确实,这种特别强的相关性暗示了免疫能力假说在这种迁徙鸟类中可能起重要作用的可能性。



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