首页> 外文期刊>The Royal Society Proceedings B: Biological Sciences >Nestling discrimination without recognition: a possible defence mechanism for hosts towards cuckoo parasitism?

Nestling discrimination without recognition: a possible defence mechanism for hosts towards cuckoo parasitism?


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One of the great evolutionary puzzles is why hosts of parasitic birds discriminate finely against alien eggs, but almost never discriminate against parasitic chicks. A theoretical model has shown that an adaptive host response to alien eggs can be based on learning. However, learned nestling discrimination is too costly to be favoured by selection in hosts of evicting parasites, such as the European cuckoo (Cuculus canorus). Indeed, parasitic chick rejection has never been reported for any European cuckoo host species. As learned nestling discrimination is maladaptive, one can expect that a viable alternative for hosts would be to use discrimination mechanisms not involving learning and/or recognition. We suggest that hosts may starve and desert cuckoo chicks that require higher amounts of food than an average host brood at fledging (i.e. feeding rates to a parasite are outside the normal range of host behaviour in unparasitized nests). Our observations of the reed warbler (Acrocephalus scirpaceus) at parasitized nests indicate that such behaviour could possibly work in this host species.
机译:进化上的巨大难题之一就是为什么寄生鸟类的宿主对外来卵有很好的区别,而对寄生小鸡却几乎没有区别。一个理论模型表明,宿主对外来卵的适应性反应可以基于学习。但是,学到的雏鸟歧视的代价太高,以致于在驱逐寄生虫的宿主(例如欧洲杜鹃(Cuculus canorus))中进行选择不被青睐。的确,从未有任何欧洲杜鹃寄主物种报告有寄生小鸡排斥反应。由于学习到的雏鸟歧视是适应不良的,因此可以预期,对于寄主而言,可行的替代选择是使用不涉及学习和/或识别的歧视机制。我们建议寄养者在出雏时可能会饿死和杜鹃布谷鸟雏鸡,而它们需要的食物量要比一般的寄养雏鸡高(即,寄生虫的摄食率超出了无寄生巢的宿主行为的正常范围)。我们在寄生巢中观察到的芦苇莺(Acrocephalus scirpaceus)表明,这种行为可能在该寄主物种中起作用。



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