首页> 外文期刊>The Royal Society Proceedings B: Biological Sciences >Rapid decline of host defences in response to reduced cuckoo parasitism: behavioural flexibility of reed warblers in a changing world

Rapid decline of host defences in response to reduced cuckoo parasitism: behavioural flexibility of reed warblers in a changing world


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On Wicken Fen and nearby watercourses in eastern England, parasitism by cuckoos, Cuculus canorus, declined from 26% and 16% of reed warbler (Acrocephalus scirpaceus) nests in 1985 and 1986, respectively, to 2-6% of nests in 1995-97, owing to a decline in cuckoos. Experiments with model eggs showed that over this 12-year period there was a marked decline in host rejection of non-mimetic eggs, from rejection at 75% of reed warbler nests in 1985-86 to 25% of nests in 1997. Calculations suggest that this decline in host defences is too rapid to reflect only genetic change, and is more likely to be the outcome of adaptive phenotypic flexibility. Two other results show flexibility in host responses. First, there was a seasonal decline in rejection, which accompanied the seasonal decline in parasitism. Second, although rejection did not vary with proximity to a naturally parasitized nest within the 3.4 km(2) of Wicken Fen and its surrounds, there was no rejection at a small unparasitized population 11 km away. Flexible host defences will be advantageous when there are costs of rejection as well as short-term temporal changes and small-scale geographical variation in parasitism rate. Other recent studies reporting changes in host defences may also reflect phenotypic flexibility rather than evolutionary change. [References: 28]
机译:在英格兰东部的维肯芬(Wicken Fen)和附近的河道上,布谷鸟(Cuculus canorus)对杜鹃的寄生率分别从1985年和1986年的re莺巢(Acrocephalus scirpaceus)的26%和16%下降到1995-97年的2-6% ,由于杜鹃数量减少。用模型卵进行的实验表明,在这12年间,非拟卵卵的宿主排斥率显着下降,从1985-86年的75%的芦苇莺的巢被拒绝到1997年的25%的巢。宿主防御的下降太快,无法仅反映遗传变化,并且更有可能是适应性表型灵活性的结果。另外两个结果显示了主机响应的灵活性。首先,拒绝的季节性下降,伴随寄生虫的季节性下降。其次,尽管威肯芬及其周边地区3.4 km(2)内的自然寄生巢附近的拒绝率没有变化,但在11公里以外的少数未寄生化种群中却没有拒绝。当存在拒绝成本以及短期寄生虫发生率的短期变化和小范围地理差异时,灵活的主机防御将是有利的。最近的其他研究报告了宿主防御的变化也可能反映了表型的灵活性,而不是进化的变化。 [参考:28]



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