首页> 外文期刊>The Royal Society Proceedings B: Biological Sciences >DNA fingerprinting reveals female preference for male parental care in Savannah Sparrows

DNA fingerprinting reveals female preference for male parental care in Savannah Sparrows


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According to sexual selection theory, females choose mates to ensure access to high quality resources, male parental care, or good genes. This last hypothesis has been hotly debated on both theoretical and empirical grounds. In contrast, female preference for male parental care has received less attention, primarily because the potential benefits of paternal effort seem obvious. The fitness relations are less clear in double-brood species, however, because females can base mating decisions on their prior experience with male parental care. Here, the extent of male parental care delivered to first-brood offspring may indicate male genetic quality and/or be the target of female manipulatica via her subsequent mating fidelity. In Savannah Sparrows (Passerculus sandwichensis), multi-locus DNA fingerprinting of 203 adults and young revealed substantial female infidelity In first and second broods: overall, 24 of 80 first-brood young (30%) and 13 of 80 second-brood young (16.3%) were the-iprpduct of extra-pair fertilizations. Among 12 females altering fidelity between broods, absolute male feeding rate to first-brood offspring was a strong, positive predictor of change in female fidelity. Because the extent of male parental care reflects a male's viability, the data support a 'good-genes' interpretation.
机译:根据性选择理论,女性选择伴侣是为了确保获得高质量的资源,男性的父母照料或良好的基因。最后一个假设已在理论和经验上进行了激烈的辩论。相比之下,女性对男性父母照料的偏爱受到的关注较少,这主要是因为父母努力的潜在好处似乎很明显。但是,在双亲物种中,适应性关系还不太清楚,因为雌性可以根据他们以前在雄性父母照管方面的经验来决定交配的决定。在这里,交付给第一亲代后代的男性父母照顾程度可能表明男性遗传素质和/或通过其随后的交配保真度成为女性手足动物的目标。在Savannah Sparrows(Passerculus sandwichensis)中,对203个成年和年轻的多位点DNA指纹图谱显示,女性在第一和第二个群体中表现出了极大的不忠:总​​体而言,80个第一群体的年轻人中有24个(30%),而80个第二群体的年轻人中有13个( 16.3%)是超对施肥的产物。在12个雌性之间改变保真度的雌性中,雄性对第一代后代的绝对摄食率是雌性保真度变化的强有力的积极预测因子。由于男性父母的照顾程度反映了男性的生存能力,因此数据支持“良好基因”的解释。



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