首页> 外文期刊>The Royal Society Proceedings B: Biological Sciences >Antagonistic pre- and post-copulatory sexual selection on male body sizein a water strider (Gerris lacustris)

Antagonistic pre- and post-copulatory sexual selection on male body sizein a water strider (Gerris lacustris)

机译:水str(Gerris lacustris)对雄性交配前和交配后性选择的影响

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A crucial question in sexual selection theory is whether post-copulatory sexual selection reinforces or counteracts conventional pre-copulatory sexual selection. Male body size is one of the traits most generally favoured by pre-copulatory sexual selection; and recent studies of sperm competition often suggest that large male size is also favoured by post-copulatory sexual selection. In contrast to this general pattern, this study shows that pre- and post-copulatory sexual selection act antagonistically on male body size in Gerris lacustris. One large and one small male were kept together with two females in this experiment. Large males had a significant mating advantage, but small males copulated longer and gained higher fertilization success from each mating. Large and small males, however, gained similar reproductive success, and there was no overall correlation between mating success and reproductive success. These results suggest that estimates of male fitness based solely on mating success should be viewed with caution, because of potentially counteracting post-copulatory selection.
机译:性选择理论中的一个关键问题是交配后的性选择是否增强或抵消了常规交配前的性选择。男性的体型是交配前性选择最普遍的特征之一。最近关于精子竞争的研究通常表明,交配后的性选择也有利于大尺寸的男性。与这种一般模式相反,这项研究表明,交配前和交配后的性选择对gerris lacustris的男性体型具有拮抗作用。在该实验中,将一个大的和一个小的雄性和两个雌性在一起。大雄性有明显的交配优势,但小雄性交配时间更长,每次交配获得更高的受精成功率。然而,大小雄性都获得了相似的生殖成功,并且交配成功与生殖成功之间没有总体关联。这些结果表明,应谨慎考虑仅基于交配成功的男性适应性评估,因为这可能会抵消交配后的选择。



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