首页> 外文期刊>The Royal Society Proceedings B: Biological Sciences >Brood insurance via protogyny: a source of female-biased sex allocation

Brood insurance via protogyny: a source of female-biased sex allocation


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Sex allocation patterns had colony productivity are examined in Exoneura nigrescens, a social allodapine bee. As for previous studies on Australian allodapine bees, numerical sex ratios were strongly female biased in the smallest broods, but neared equality in larger broods. Local fitness enhancement has been suggested previously to explain female-biased allocation in allodapine bees. Here, we propose an alternative model, the 'insurance model', which predicts protogyny and, as a consequence, female-biased sex allocation in small broods with decreasing bias in larger broods. Because allodapine broods are reared progressively in an open burrow, broods require that adult females be present throughout their development in order to survive to maturity. If mothers invest in daughters (alloparents) first, these daughters can rear younger, dependent brood in cases in which orphaning occurs. If such daughters behave as surrogate mothers, then investment in them by mothers should not be regarded as investment in female sex allocation per se, giving rise to apparently female-biased broods. The model predicts a pattern of sex ratios as a function of total brood size that very closely match empirical data from E. nigrescens.
机译:在社交类阿达平蜂Exoneura nigrescens中检查了具有群体生产力的性别分配模式。至于以前对澳大利亚阿洛达平蜂的研究,在最小的育雏群中,性别性别比强烈地偏向女性,而在较大的育雏群中,性别比例几乎相等。先前已经提出了局部适应性增强来解释阿洛达平蜂中女性偏向的分配。在这里,我们提出了另一种模型,即“保险模型”,该模型预测了单身女性,因此预测了小群体中女性偏向的性别分配,而大群体中的偏见减少了。因为阿洛达平的育雏是在开阔的洞穴中逐步饲养的,所以育雏需要成年雌性在整个发育过程中都存在,以便生存到成熟。如果母亲首先投资于女儿(单身父母),则在发生孤儿的情况下,这些女儿可以抚养年轻,依赖的母鸡。如果这样的女儿表现为代孕母亲,则不应将母亲对她们的投资本身视为对女性性别分配的投资,从而明显产生女性偏见。该模型预测性别比的模式作为总亲鱼大小的函数,与来自大肠埃希氏菌的经验数据非常接近。



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