首页> 外文期刊>The Royal Society Proceedings B: Biological Sciences >Sperm competition games played by dimorphic male beetles: fertilization gains with equal mating access

Sperm competition games played by dimorphic male beetles: fertilization gains with equal mating access


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Alternative mating tactics can generate asymmetry in the sperm competition risk between males within species. Theory predicts that adaptations to sperm competition should arise in males facing the greater risk. This prediction is met in the dung beetle Onthophagus binodis where minor males which sneak copulations had a greater expenditure on the ejaculate. In its congener Onthophagus taurus there is a reduced asymmetry in sperm competition risk such that both tactics have equal ejaculate expenditure. We used the irradiated male technique to test,whether adaptations to sperm competition in minor males result ill higher paternity. We found that for both species, on average, each of two males gained equal numbers of fertilizations, confirming thr assumption that sperm compete in a raffle. There were no differences in the sperm competition success of major and minor males in O. taurus as predicted from their equal expenditure on their ejaculate. Contrary to expectations, there were also no differences in fertilization success between the male tactics in O. binodis. Thus, in O. binodis minor males must expend more on their ejaculate in order to obtain the same fertilization gains as major males. [References: 41]
机译:其他的交配策略会在物种内的雄性之间产生不对称的精子竞争风险。理论预测,面对更大风险的男性应该适应精子竞争。粪甲虫Onthophagus binodis满足了这一预测,在那里偷偷交配的未成年雄性在射精上的支出更大。在其同类动物Onthophagus taurus中,精子竞争风险的不对称性降低,因此两种策略的射精支出相等。我们使用辐照的男性技术进行测试,以适应未成年男性对精子竞争的适应是否导致较高的父子关系。我们发现,对于这两个物种,平均而言,两个雄性中的每个雄性均获得相同数量的受精,这证实了精子在抽奖中竞争的假设。从金枪鱼的男性和女性男性的精子竞争成功率来看,根据其射精的平均支出,没有差异。与预期相反,O。binodis的雄性策略在施肥成功方面也没有差异。因此,在O. binodis中,未成年雄性必须在其射精上花费更多,才能获得与大雄性相同的受精量。 [参考:41]



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