首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of family practice >Q/which treatments relieve painful muscle spasms from a black widow spider bite?

Q/which treatments relieve painful muscle spasms from a black widow spider bite?


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A/ opioids relieve pain and benzo- diazepines ease muscle spasms in most patients with latrodectism-widespread, sustained spasms-resulting from envenomation by a black widow spider (strength of recommendation [SOR]: C, case series).Black widow-specific antivenin appears to shorten duration of symptoms and reduce hospitalization more than symptomatic treatment, but can cause allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis and death from acute and delayed serum reactions(SOR: C, case series).A similar antivenin against the redback spider, a close relative of the black widow, produces clinical effects that are equivalent whether they're given intravenously (producing measurable serum levels) or intramuscularly (producing no measurable serum levels) (SOR: B, randomized controlled trial [RCT]), raising the possibility that the antivenin might not be effective at all.Calcium gluconate appears ineffective for symptom relief (SOR: C, case series).
机译:A /类阿片类药物缓解疼痛,苯二氮卓类药物可缓解大多数寡妇扩张,持续性痉挛导致的肌肉痉挛,这是由黑寡妇蜘蛛毒死所致(推荐强度[SOR]:C,案例系列)。黑寡妇特有的抗静脉毒素似乎比对症治疗更能缩短症状持续时间并减少住院治疗,但可引起过敏反应,包括因急性和延迟血清反应引起的过敏反应和死亡(SOR:C,病例系列)。无论是静脉注射(产生可测量的血清水平)还是肌肉内注射(不产生可测量的血清水平),该黑寡妇的临床疗效均相同(SOR:B,随机对照试验[RCT]),抗静脉毒可能根本无效。葡萄糖酸钙似乎对缓解症状无效(SOR:C,病例系列)。



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