首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experimental Biology >COX2 in a euryhaline teleost, Fundulus heteroclitus: primary sequence, distribution, localization, and potential function in gills during salinity acclimation

COX2 in a euryhaline teleost, Fundulus heteroclitus: primary sequence, distribution, localization, and potential function in gills during salinity acclimation


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In the kidneys of mammals, cyclooxygenase type 2 (COX2) is expressed in medullary interstitial cells, the macula densa and epithelial cells of the cortical thick ascending limb where it generates prostaglandins that regulate hormone secretion, inhibit ion transport, and support cell survival during salt loading and dehydration. In teleosts, the gills are in direct contact with an aquatic environment and are the dominant site of osmoregulation. During transfers between salinities, specialized cells in the gills (chloride cells) rapidly regulate NaCl secretion for systemic osmoregulation while they simultaneously are exposed to acute osmotic shock. This study was conducted to determine if COX2 is expressed in the gills, and if so, to evaluate its function in cellular and systemic osmoregulation. Degenerate primers, reverse transcription-PCR and rapid amplification of cDNA ends were used to deduce the complete cDNA sequence of a putative COX2 enzyme from the gills of the euryhaline killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus). The 2738 base pair cDNA includes a coding region for a 610 amino acid protein that is over 70% identical to mammalian COX2. A purified antibody generated against a conserved region of mouse COX2 labeled chloride cells, suggesting that the enzyme may control NaCl secretion as an autocrine agent. Real-time PCR was then used to demonstrate that mRNA expression of the COX2 homologue was threefold greater in gills from chronic seawater killifish than in gills from chronic freshwater killifish. Expression of Na+/K+/2Cl(-) cotransporter and the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator were also greater in seawater, suggesting that chronic COX2 expression in the gills is regulated in parallel to the key ion transporters that mediate NaCl secretion. Real-time PCR was also used to demonstrate that acute transfer from seawater to freshwater and from freshwater to seawater led to rapid, transient inductions of COX2 expression. Together with previous physiological evidence, the present molecular and immunological data suggest that constitutive branchial COX2 expression is enhanced in seawater, where prostaglandins can regulate NaCl secretion in chloride cells. Our data also suggest that branchial COX2 expression may play a role in cell survival during acute osmotic shock.
机译:在哺乳动物的肾脏中,第2型环氧合酶(COX2)在髓质间质细胞,皮层增厚的上肢的黄斑牙本质和上皮细胞中表达,在其中产生调节激素分泌,抑制离子转运并支持盐分期间细胞存活的前列腺素。加载和脱水。在硬骨鱼类中,the与水生环境直接接触,是渗透调节的主要场所。在盐度之间转移期间,g中的专门细胞(氯化物细胞)迅速调节NaCl的分泌,以进行全身渗透压调节,同时使它们同时暴露于急性渗透压下。进行这项研究以确定COX2是否在g中表达,如果是,则评估其在细胞和全身渗透调节中的功能。简并引物,逆转录-PCR和cDNA末端的快速扩增被用来从淡水kill鱼(Fundulus heteroclitus)的ill中推定推定的COX2酶的完整cDNA序列。 2738个碱基对cDNA包含一个610个氨基酸蛋白的编码区,与哺乳动物COX2的同源性超过70%。针对小鼠COX2标记的氯化物细胞的保守区域生成的纯化抗体,表明该酶可以控制NaCl的分泌作为自分泌剂。然后,使用实时PCR证明,在慢性海水chronic鱼的g中,COX2同源物的mRNA表达比在慢性淡水i鱼的s中高三倍。 Na + / K + / 2Cl(-)协同转运蛋白和囊性纤维化跨膜电导调节剂在海水中的表达也较高,这表明chronic中的慢性COX2表达与介导NaCl分泌的关键离子转运蛋白平行调节。实时PCR还用于证明从海水到淡水以及从淡水到海水的急性转移会导致COX2表达的快速,瞬时诱导。连同以前的生理证据,当前的分子和免疫学数据表明,在海水中组成性分支COX2表达增强,其中前列腺素可以调节氯化物细胞中的NaCl分泌。我们的数据还表明,在急性渗透性休克过程中,分支COX2表达可能在细胞存活中起作用。



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