首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experimental Biology >Perturbation of auditory feedback causes systematic perturbation in vocal structure in adult cotton-top tamarins

Perturbation of auditory feedback causes systematic perturbation in vocal structure in adult cotton-top tamarins


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Auditory feedback is critical for the development and maintenance of speech in humans. In contrast, studies of nonhuman primate vocal production generally report that subjects show little reliance on auditory input. We examined the extent to which cotton-top tamarin (Saguinus oedipus) vocal production is sensitive to perturbation of auditory feedback by manipulating the predictability of presentation of a 1 s burst of white noise during the production of the species-specific contact call, the combination long call (CLC). We used three experimental conditions: the Begin condition, in which white noise was presented only during the first half of a recording session, the End condition, in which white noise was presented only in the last half, and the Random condition, in which each call had a 50% probability of receiving white noise playback throughout the recording session, making the auditory feedback unpredictable. In addition we recorded calls before and after the experimental series (Baseline condition) to determine whether any changes induced by modification of auditory feedback persisted. Results showed that playback of white noise during the production of the CLC produced changes in the temporal structure of the CLC: calls were shorter and had fewer pulses, indicating that modification of auditory feedback can interrupt vocal production. In addition, calls that received modified feedback were louder and had longer inter-pulse intervals than those that did not, consistent with an adaptive response to the masking effect of white noise playback. The magnitude of this compensatory effect and the interruption rate were both sensitive to whether the feedback modification occurred at the beginning or end of the experimental session: early feedback produced less interruption and more compensation. Finally, when auditory feedback modification was unpredictable, adaptive changes were observed in both calls that received modified feedback and those that received normal feedback, suggesting that tamarins can generate an expectation of noise playback and increase vocal amplitude in anticipation of masking.
机译:听觉反馈对于人类语言的发展和维持至关重要。相比之下,对非人类灵长类动物发声的研究通常报告称受试者几乎不依赖听觉输入。我们通过控制在特定物种的接触电话,组合产生的过程中操纵1 s爆发白噪声的可预测性,研究了棉顶猴(Saguinus oedipus)的声音产生对听觉反馈扰动的敏感程度。长途通话(CLC)。我们使用了三种实验条件:开始条件(仅在录制会话的前半段中出现白噪声),结束条件(仅在后半段中出现白噪声)和随机(随机)条件,其中每个在整个录音过程中,通话有50%的概率接收到白噪声回放,从而使听觉反馈无法预测。此外,我们记录了实验系列(基准条件)前后的通话,以确定听觉反馈的修改是否会引起任何变化。结果表明,在CLC产生过程中白噪声的回放会导致CLC的时间结构发生变化:通话时间较短且脉冲较少,这表明听觉反馈的改变会中断声音的产生。此外,接收到修改后的反馈的呼叫比未接收到的呼叫响亮并且具有更长的脉冲间隔,这与对白噪声回放的屏蔽效果的自适应响应相一致。这种补偿作用的大小和中断率都对反馈修改是否发生在实验阶段的开始或结束都很敏感:早期的反馈产生的中断更少,补偿更多。最后,当听觉反馈的变化无法预测时,在收到经过修改的反馈的呼叫和获得正常反馈的呼叫中均会观察到自适应变化,这表明猴可以产生噪音回放的期望并在预期被掩盖的情况下增加人声振幅。



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