首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experimental Biology >Biomimetic evolutionary analysis: testing the adaptive value of vertebrate tail stiffness in autonomous swimming robots

Biomimetic evolutionary analysis: testing the adaptive value of vertebrate tail stiffness in autonomous swimming robots


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For early vertebrates, a long-standing hypothesis is that vertebrae evolved as a locomotor adaptation, stiffening the body axis and enhancing swimming performance. While supported by biomechanical data, this hypothesis has not been tested using an evolutionary approach. We did so by extending biomimetic evolutionary analysis (BEA), which builds physical simulations of extinct systems, to include use of autonomous robots as proxies of early vertebrates competing in a forage navigation task. Modeled after free-swimming larvae of sea squirts (Chordata, Urochordata), three robotic tadpoles ('Tadros'), each with a propulsive tail bearing a biomimetic notochord of variable spring stiffness, k (N m(-1)), searched for, oriented to, and orbited in two dimensions around a light source. Within each of ten generations, we selected for increased swimming speed, U (m s(-1)) and decreased time to the light source, t (s), average distance from the source, R (m) and wobble maneuvering, W (rad s(-2)). In software simulation, we coded two quantitative trait loci (QTL) that determine k: bending modulus, E (Nm(-2)) and length, L (m). Both QTL were mutated during replication, independently assorted during meiosis and, as haploid gametes, entered into the gene pool in proportion to parental fitness. After random mating created three new diploid genotypes, we fabricated three new offspring tails. In the presence of both selection and chance events (mutation, genetic drift), the phenotypic means of this small population evolved. The classic hypothesis was supported in that k was positively correlated (r(2) = 0.40) with navigational prowess, NP, the dimensionless ratio of U to the product of R, t and W. However, the plausible adaptive scenario, even in this simplified system, is more complex, since the remaining variance in NP was correlated with the residuals of R and U taken with respect to k, suggesting that changes in k alone are insufficient to explain the evolution of NP.
机译:对于早期的脊椎动物,长期存在的假设是椎骨会随着运动适应而进化,从而使体轴变硬并增强游泳性能。尽管得到了生物力学数据的支持,但尚未使用进化方法检验该假设。我们通过扩展仿生进化分析(BEA)(包括建立灭绝系统的物理模拟)来做到这一点,以包括使用自主机器人作为参与觅食导航任务的早期脊椎动物的代理。根据海鞘(Chordata,Urochordata)的自由游动幼虫建模,搜索了三个机器人t('Tadros'),每个with都有一个带有可变弹簧刚度k(N m(-1))的仿生脊索的推进尾巴。围绕光源二维定向并绕其旋转。在十代中的每一代中,我们选择提高游泳速度U(ms(-1))和减少到光源的时间t(s),到光源的平均距离R(m)和摆动操纵W( rad s(-2))。在软件仿真中,我们编码了两个确定k的定量特征位点(QTL):弯曲模量E(Nm(-2))和长度L(m)。两个QTL在复制过程中均发生突变,在减数分裂过程中独立进行分类,并且作为单倍体配子,与亲本适应性成比例地进入基因库。随机交配创造了三个新的二倍体基因型后,我们制造了三个新的后代尾巴。在选择事件和偶然事件(突变,遗传漂移)同时存在的情况下,这个小种群的表型手段就进化了。经典假设得到支持,因为k与导航能力NP正相关(r(2)= 0.40),U与U与R,t和W乘积的无量纲比。简化的系统更为复杂,因为NP中的剩余方差与R和U相对于k的残差相关,这表明仅k的变化不足以解释NP的演化。



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