首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experimental Biology >Control of muscle bioenergetic gene expression: implications for allometric scaling relationships of glycolytic and oxidative enzymes

Control of muscle bioenergetic gene expression: implications for allometric scaling relationships of glycolytic and oxidative enzymes


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Muscle metabolic properties vary with body size, with larger animals relying relatively less on oxidative metabolism as a result of lower specific activities of mitochondrial enzymes and greater specific activities of glycolytic enzymes. While many have argued reasons why such relationships might be grounded in physical relationships, an explanation for the regulatory basis of the differences in enzyme levels remains unexplored. Focusing on skeletal muscle, we review potential cellular and genetic explanations for the relationship between bioenergetic enzymes and body mass. Differences in myonuclear domain (the ratio of fiber volume to nuclei number) in conjunction with constitutive expression may explain part of the variation in mitochondrial content among fiber types and species. Superimposed on such constitutive determinants are (1) extrinsic signalling pathways that control the muscle contractile and metabolic phenotype and (2) intrinsic signalling pathways that translate changes in cellular milieu (ions, metabolites, oxygen, redox) arising through the contractile phenotype into changes in enzyme synthesis. These signalling pathways work through transcriptional regulation, as well as post-transcriptional, translational and posttranslational regulation, acting via synthesis and degradation.



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