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Bouncing tendons keep you running well


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How can the hrain ensure that muscles are working efficiently? During running, for example, it seems that it would require exquisitely precise tuning of contraction timing, strength and duration to coordinate all the leg muscles. Does the brain orchestrate the split second coordination or is some other intrinsic property of the leg responsible for our sprinting performance? In his Journal of Riomechanics paper A. L. Hof suggests a simple way to ensure efficiency. Hof knew that two muscles in the human calf, the soleus and gastrocncmius, shorten very little during running, even though the ankle moves a lot. This is intriguing, because these muscles arc most efficient when they shorten slowly and not very far. He describes his new theoretical model of the lower leg, which indicates that the spring-like Achilles tendon, to which both muscles attach, determines almost all ankle movement. Over a range of running speeds, the muscles can operate near maximum efficiency simply by turning on at the right time as the tendon stretches. So the intrinsic properties of muscles and tendons keep them working efficiently, almost independently of the brain's commands during fast activities, which means that the brain docs not need to he very precise at all.
机译:大脑如何确保肌肉有效工作?例如,在跑步过程中,似乎需要精确精确地调整收缩时间,力量和持续时间来协调所有腿部肌肉。大脑会协调瞬间的协调性还是腿部的其他一些内在属性导致我们的短跑表现?在A. L. Hof的《 Riomechanics》杂志上,他提出了一种确保效率的简单方法。霍夫知道人的小腿上的两块肌肉,即比目鱼肌和腓肠肌,即使脚踝移动很多,在跑步过程中也几乎不会缩短。这很有趣,因为这些肌肉在缓慢而不是很远地缩短时最有效。他描述了他的小腿新理论模型,该模型表明,两条肌肉都附着在其上的像弹簧一样的跟腱决定了几乎所有的踝关节运动。在一定的运行速度范围内,只要在正确的时间腱腱伸展,就可以使肌肉发挥最大的功效。因此,肌肉和腱的内在特性使它们高效地工作,几乎独立于快速活动期间大脑的命令,这意味着大脑医生根本不需要非常精确。



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