首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experimental Biology >Effects of loading and size on maximum power output and gait characteristics in geckos

Effects of loading and size on maximum power output and gait characteristics in geckos


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Stride length, stride frequency and power output are all factors influencing locomotor performance. Here, we first test whether mass-specific power output limits climbing performance in two species of geckos (Hemidactylus garnoti and Gekko gecko) by adding external loads to their bodies. We then test whether body size has a negative effect on mass-specific power output. Finally, we test whether loading affects kinematics in both gecko species. Lizards were induced to run vertically on a smooth wooden surface with loads of 0-200% of body mass (BM) in H. garnoti and 0-100% BM in G. gecko. For each stride, we calculated angular and linear kinematics (e.g. trunk angle, stride length), performance (maximum speed) and mean mass-specific power output per stride. The addition of increasingly large loads caused an initial increase in maximum mass-specific power output in both species, but for H. garnoti, mass-specific power output remained constant at higher loads (150% and 200% BM), even though maximum velocity declined. This result, in combination with the fact that stride frequency showed no evidence of leveling off as speed increased in either species, suggests that power limits maximum speed. In addition, the large gecko (G. gecko) produced significantly less power than the smaller H. garnoti, despite the fact that both species ran at similar speeds. This difference disappeared, however, when we recalculated power output based on higher maximum speeds for unloaded G. gecko moving vertically obtained by other researchers. Finally, the addition of external loads did not affect speed modulation in either species: both G. gecko and H. garnoti increase speed primarily by increasing stride frequency, regardless of loading condition. For a given speed, both species take shorter but more strides with heavier loads, but for a given load, G. gecko attains similar speeds to H. garnoti by taking longer but fewer strides.
机译:步幅,步幅频率和功率输出都是影响运动性能的因素。在这里,我们首先通过增加外部负载来测试特定质量的功率输出是否限制了两种壁虎(Hemidactylus garnoti和Gekko壁虎)的攀爬性能。然后,我们测试体型是否对特定于质量的功率输出有负面影响。最后,我们测试加载是否会影响两种壁虎物种的运动学。蜥蜴被诱导在光滑的木质表面上垂直运行,其中加洛尼氏菌的体重(BM)为0-200%,壁虎G.的体重为0-100%。对于每个步幅,我们都计算了角度和线性运动学(例如躯干角,步幅长度),性能(最大速度)以及每个步幅的平均质量比功率输出。越来越大的负载增加了两个物种的最大比重功率输出的初始增加,但是对于H. garnoti,即使最大速度,在更高负载(150%和200%BM)下,比重功率输出也保持恒定。拒绝了。该结果与步幅频率均未显示出随两个物种中速度的增加而趋于平稳的事实相结合,表明功率限制了最大速度。此外,尽管大型壁虎(G. gecko)的运行速度相似,但它们的功率却明显小于小型壁虎(H. garnoti)。但是,当我们根据其他研究人员获得的垂直卸载的壁虎的最高速度重新计算功率输出时,这种差异消失了。最后,增加外部负载不会影响这两种物种的速度调节:壁虎和garnoti均主要通过增加步幅频率来提高速度,而与负载情况无关。对于给定的速度,两种物种在重载下都走得更短,但步幅却更大,但是对于给定的负载,壁虎通过走更长但更少的步幅,可达到与garnoti相似的速度。



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