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Blubber and buoyancy: monitoring the body condition of free-ranging seals using simple dive characteristics


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Elephant seals regularly perform dives during which they spend a large proportion of time drifting passively through the water column. The rate of vertical change in depth during these 'drift' dives is largely a result of the proportion of lipid tissue in the body, with fatter seals having higher (more positive or less negative) drift rates compared with leaner seals. We examined the temporal changes in drift rates of 24 newly weaned southern elephant seal (Mirounga leonina) pups during their first trip to sea to determine if this easily recorded dive characteristic can be used to continuously monitor changes in body composition of seals throughout their foraging trips. All seals demonstrated a similar trend over time: drift rates were initially positive but decreased steadily over the first 30-50 days after departure (Phase 1), corresponding to seals becoming gradually less buoyant. Over the following similar to100 days (Phase 2), drift rates again increased gradually, while during the last similar to20-45 days (Phase 3) drift rates either remained constant or decreased slightly. The daily rate of change in drift rate was negatively related to the daily rate of horizontal displacement (daily travel rate), and daily travel rates of more than similar to80 km were almost exclusively associated with negative changes in drift rate. We developed a mechanistic model based on body compositions and morphometrics measured in the field, published values for the density of seawater and various body components, and values of drag coefficients for objects of different shapes. We used this model to examine the theoretical relationships between drift rate and body composition and carried out a sensitivity analysis to quantify errors and biases caused by varying model parameters. While variations in seawater density and uncertainties in estimated body surface area and volume are unlikely to result in errors in estimated lipid content of more than +/-2.5%, variations in drag coefficient can lead to errors of greater than or equal to10%. Finally, we compared the lipid contents predicted by our model with the lipid contents measured using isotopically labelled water and found a strong positive correlation. The best-fitting model suggests that the drag coefficient of seals while drifting passively is between similar to0.49 (roughly corresponding to a sphere-shaped object) and 0.69 (a prolate spheroid), and we were able to estimate relative lipid content to within approximately +/-2% lipid. Our results suggest that this simple method can be used to estimate the changes in lipid content of free-ranging seals while at sea and may help improve our understanding of the foraging strategies of these important marine predators.
机译:象海豹会定期进行潜水,在此期间,他们花费大量时间被动地漂流过水柱。在这些“漂流”俯冲过程中,深度的垂直变化率很大程度上是体内脂质组织所占比例的结果,与较瘦的海豹相比,较胖的海豹具有较高的(偏正或偏负)漂移率。我们检查了24只刚断奶的南部象海豹(Mirounga leonina)幼崽在第一次出海时的漂移率随时间的变化,以确定这种容易记录的潜水特征是否可用于连续监测整个觅食过程中海豹的身体成分变化。所有海豹在时间上都表现出类似的趋势:漂流率最初为正,但在起飞后的前30-50天(阶段1)稳定下降,这与海豹的浮力逐渐降低相对应。在接下来的类似于100天(阶段2)中,漂移率再次逐渐增加,而在最后类似于20-45天(阶段3)中,漂移率保持恒定或略有下降。漂移率的日变化率与水平位移的日变化率(日行进速度)成负相关,超过80 km的日行进率几乎与漂移率的负变化相关。我们根据现场测得的人体成分和形态计量学,公开的海水和各种人体成分的密度值以及不同形状的物体的阻力系数值,开发了一种机械模型。我们使用该模型来检查漂移率和身体成分之间的理论关系,并进行了敏感性分析,以量化由变化的模型参数引起的误差和偏差。尽管海水密度的变化以及估计的体表面积和体积的不确定性不太可能导致估计的脂质含量误差超过+/- 2.5%,但阻力系数的变化可能导致误差大于或等于10%。最后,我们将模型预测的脂质含量与使用同位素标记的水测得的脂质含量进行了比较,发现有很强的正相关性。最佳拟合模型表明,海豹在被动漂移时的阻力系数在大约0.49(大致对应于球形物体)和0.69(扁长球体)之间,并且我们能够估计相对脂质含量在大约+/- 2%的脂质。我们的结果表明,这种简单的方法可用于估算海上自由放养海豹的脂质含量变化,并可能有助于增进我们对这些重要海洋捕食者觅食策略的了解。



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