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The tale of the tail: limb function and locomotor mechanics in Alligator mississippiensis


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Crocodilians tow their large muscular tail behind them during terrestrial bouts when they high walk (a walking trot). Analysis of ground reaction forces in the American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) revealed the consequences of tail-dragging. Individual limb and tail ground reaction force records show that the hindlimbs of Alligator take on a substantial role in body mass support consistent with the more caudal location of its center of mass due to the presence of a particularly heavy tail (representing nearly 28% of total body mass). Furthermore, because the constant drag imposed by the tail is substantial, both fore- and hindlimbs in Alligator have a heightened propulsive role as a means of countering the net braking effect of the tail. Ground reaction forces of the whole body were used to assess how well Alligator was able to utilize mechanical energy-saving mechanisms (inverse pendulum or mass-spring). A high-walking Alligator recovers, on average, about 20% of its mechanical energy by inverse pendulum mechanics. These modest energy recovery levels are likely to be due to a combination of factors that may include low locomotor speed, imprecise coordination of contralateral limbs in the trot, frequent dragging of feet of protracting limbs during swing phase and, possibly, tail dragging.
机译:鳄鱼在高脚走动时(步行小跑)在地面爆发时将大的肌肉尾巴拖在身后。对美洲短吻鳄(Alligator mississippiensis)中地面反作用力的分析揭示了拖尾的后果。个别的肢体和尾巴地面反作用力记录表明,由于存在特别重的尾巴,鳄鱼的后肢在体重支持中起着重要的作用,这与其后肢的重心位置相一致(占总数的近28%身体质量)。此外,由于尾部施加的恒定阻力很大,因此鳄鱼中的前肢和后肢都具有增强的推进作用,作为对抗尾部净制动作用的一种手段。全身的地面反作用力用于评估鳄鱼如何利用机械节能机制(倒立摆或质量弹簧)。高走的短吻鳄平均通过反向摆力学回收其机械能的20%。这些适度的能量恢复水平可能是由于多种因素的综合原因,包括低运动速度,小跑中对侧肢体的不精确协调,挥杆阶段伸肢的脚频繁拖拽以及拖尾。



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