首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experimental Biology >Effects of temperature on cuticular lipids and water balance in a desert Drosophila: Is thermal acclimation beneficial?

Effects of temperature on cuticular lipids and water balance in a desert Drosophila: Is thermal acclimation beneficial?


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The desert fruit fly Drosophila mojavensis experiences environmental conditions of high temperature and low humidity, To understand the physiological mechanisms allowing these small insects to survive in such stressful conditions, we studied the effects of thermal acclimation on cuticular lipids and rates of water loss of adult D. mojavensis. Mean hydrocarbon chain length increased at higher temperatures, but cuticular lipid melting temperature (T-m) did not, Lipid quantity doubled in the first 14 days of adult life, but was unaffected by acclimation temperature. Despite these changes in cuticular properties, organismal rates of water loss were unaffected by either acclimation temperature or age, Owing to the smaller body size of warm-acclimated flies, D. mojavensis reared for 14 days at 33 degrees C lost water more rapidly on a mass-specific basis than flies acclimated to 25 degrees C or 17 degrees C. Thus, apparently adaptive changes in cuticular lipids do not necessarily result in reduced rates of water loss, Avoidance of high temperatures and desiccating conditions is more likely to contribute to survival in nature than changes in water balance mediated by surface lipids. [References: 59]
机译:沙漠果蝇果蝇经历高温和低湿的环境条件,为了解这些小昆虫在如此压力条件下生存的生理机制,我们研究了热驯化对成年D表皮脂质和水分流失率的影响Mojavensis。平均烃链长度在较高温度下增加,但表皮脂质熔化温度(T-m)并未增加,在成年后的头14天中脂质量增加了一倍,但不受环境温度的影响。尽管表皮特性发生了这些变化,但适应环境的温度或年龄均不会影响机体的失水率。由于体温较小的苍蝇的体型较小,所以在33°C的条件下,莫扎氏菌在14天的时间内失水的速度更快。相对于适应于25摄氏度或17摄氏度的果蝇而言,它具有特定的质量基础。因此,表皮脂质的明显适应性变化不一定会导致水分流失率降低,避免高温和干燥条件更可能有助于生存。自然要比表面脂质介导的水平衡变化多。 [参考:59]



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