首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experimental Biology >The potential effects of climate-change-associated temperature increases on the metabolic rate of a small Afrotropical bird

The potential effects of climate-change-associated temperature increases on the metabolic rate of a small Afrotropical bird


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Studies have only recently begun to underline the importance of including data on the physiological flexibility of a species when modelling its vulnerability to extinction from climate change. We investigated the effects of a 4 degrees C increase in ambient temperature (T-a), similar to that predicted for southern Africa by the year 2080, on certain physiological variables of a 10-12 g passerine bird endemic to southern Africa, the Cape white-eye Zosterops virens. There was no significant difference in resting metabolism, body mass and intraperitoneal body temperature between birds housed indoors at 4 degrees C above outside ambient temperature and those housed indoors at outside ambient temperature. We conclude that the physiological flexibility of Cape white-eyes will aid them in coping with the 4 degrees C increase predicted for their range by 2080.
机译:直到最近,研究才开始强调在对物种因气候变化而濒临灭绝的脆弱性进行建模时,包括有关物种生理柔性的数据的重要性。我们调查了环境温度(Ta)升高4摄氏度(类似于到2080年南部非洲的预测)对南部非洲特有的10-12 g雀形目鸟某些生理变量的影响,即白海角眼睛的Zosterops virens。饲养在室内温度高于外界温度4摄氏度的鸟类与饲养在室外环境温度高于室内的鸟类之间的静止代谢,体重和腹膜内温度没有显着差异。我们得出的结论是,开普白眼睛的生理柔韧性将帮助他们应对到2080年其范围预测的4°C升高。



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