首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experimental Biology >The aerodynamics of revolving wings - II. Propeller force coefficients from mayfly to quail

The aerodynamics of revolving wings - II. Propeller force coefficients from mayfly to quail


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High force coefficients, similar to those observed for revolving model hawkmoth wings in the accompanying paper (for which steady leading-edge vortices are directly observed), are apparent for revolving model (mayfly, bumblebee and quail) and real (quail) animal wings ranging in Reynolds number (Re) from 1100 to 26000. Results for bumblebee and hawkmoth wings agree with those published previously for Drosophila (Reapproximate to200). The effect of aspect ratio is also tested with planforms based on hawkmoth wings adjusted to aspect ratios ranging from 4.53 to 15.84 and is shown to be relatively minor, especially at angles of incidence below 50degrees. The normal force relationship introduced in the accompanying paper is supported for wings over a large range of aspect ratios in both 'early' and 'steady' conditions; local induced velocities appear not to affect the relationship. [References: 33]
机译:对于旋转模型(the蝇,大黄蜂和鹌鹑)和真实(鹌鹑)动物翅膀,其高力系数类似于在随附论文中观察到的旋转模型鹰蛾机翼(直接观察到稳定的前沿涡旋)所观察到的高。雷诺数(Re)从1100到26000。大黄蜂和天蛾翅膀的结果与果蝇以前发表的结果一致(大约为200)。宽高比的影响也用基于鹰蛾机翼的平面型进行了测试,鹰翼的宽高比调整为4.53至15.84,并且相对较小,尤其是在入射角低于50度时。随附论文中介绍的法向力关系在“早期”和“稳定”条件下均支持大纵横比范围内的机翼。局部感应速度似乎不影响这种关系。 [参考:33]



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