首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experimental Biology >Adaptive and phylogenetic influences on musculoskeletal design in cercopithecine primates

Adaptive and phylogenetic influences on musculoskeletal design in cercopithecine primates


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Broad allometric studies of the musculoskeletal system have frequently sought to explain how locomotor variables have been influenced by body mass. To examine animals that vary widely in body mass, these studies have included taxa that differ in their locomotor adaptations and phylogenetic relatedness. Because these sources of diversity could obscure the effects of body mass, this study was designed to test the effects of adaptive differences in limb proportions and phylogeny, as well as body mass, on locomotor kinematics and extensor muscle mechanical advantage. More specifically, two hypotheses were tested in a sample of closely related animals: (i) that, among animals with similar body mass, those with longer limb segments should adopt more extended limb postures to moderate the joint and midshaft bending moments that they experience, and (ii) that body mass will have similar influences on joint posture and joint moments in closely related and diverse mammalian samples. Three-dimensional kinematic and synchronous force-platform data were collected for six individual cercopithecine monkeys ranging in mass from 4 kg to 24 kg and at a range of walking speeds. Comparisons among three monkeys with similar body mass but different limb segment lengths reveal a significant effect of limb proportion on posture. That is, animals with longer limbs frequently use more extended limb postures and can have correspondingly lower joint moments. The scaling of locomotor variables across the entire sample of closely related monkeys was generally similar to published results for a diverse sample of mammals, with larger monkeys having more extended limb postures, lower joint moments and greater effective mechanical advantage (EMA) for their limb extensor musculature. Ankle EMA, however, did not increase with body mass in the primate sample, suggesting that clade-specific adaptive differences (e.g. the use of arboreal supports by primates) may constrain the effects of body mass.
机译:肌肉骨骼系统的广泛异速测量研究经常试图解释运动变量如何受到体重的影响。为了检查体重差异很大的动物,这些研究包括了运动适应性和系统发育相关性不同的分类单元。因为这些多样性的来源可能掩盖了体重的影响,所以本研究旨在测试肢体比例和系统发育以及体重的适应性差异对运动运动学和伸肌机械优势的影响。更具体地说,在一个密切相关的动物样本中检验了两个假设:(i)在体重相似的动物中,肢体较长的动物应采取更大的肢体姿势来缓和他们经历的关节和中轴弯矩, (ii)在密切相关且种类繁多的哺乳动物样本中,体重将对关节姿势和关节力矩产生类似的影响。收集了六只单头长尾猴的三维运动学和同步力平台数据,这些长尾猴的质量从4公斤到24公斤不等,并且具有一定的步行速度。在三只体重相似但肢体节段长度不同的猴子之间的比较表明,肢体比例对姿势的影响很大。即,具有较长肢体的动物经常使用更大的肢体姿势,并相应地具有较低的关节力矩。在密切相关的猴子的整个样本中,运动变量的缩放比例通常与已发表的关于多种哺乳动物样本的结果相似,较大的猴子的肢体姿势更加伸展,关节力矩更低,肢体伸肌的机械效率更高(EMA)肌肉组织。但是,脚踝EMA并未随灵长类动物样本中的体重而增加,这表明进化枝特异性适应性差异(例如灵长类动物使用树栖支持物)可能会限制体重的影响。



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