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Contralateral coordination and retargeting of limb movements during scratching in the locust


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Locusts, Schistocerca gregaria, in common with many limbed vertebrates, can make directed scratching movements in response to tactile stimulation. For instance, stimulation of different sites on a wing elicits different movements that are accurately targeted so that the hindleg tarsus passes across the stimulus site. I have analysed these limb movements to define the ability of a locust to target stimulus sites correctly under a range of experimental conditions, In particular, I describe aspects of the behaviour that reveal possible neuronal pathways underlying the responses. These neuronal pathways will be the subject of further physiological analyses. Limb targeting during scratching is continuously graded in form; different patterns of movement are not separated by sharp transitions. The computation of limb trajectory takes into account the starting posture of the hindleg, so that different trajectories can be used to reach a common stimulus site from different starting postures. Moreover, the trajectories of the two hindlegs moving simultaneously from different starting postures in response to a single stimulus can be different, so that their tarsi converge onto the common stimulus site. Different trajectories can be used to reach a common stimulus site from the same start posture. Targeting information from a forewing is passed not only down the nerve cord to the ipsilateral hindleg but also across the nerve cord, so that the contralateral hindleg can also make directed movements. This contralateral transmission does not rely on peripheral sensory feedback. When the stimulus site moves during a rhythmical scratch, the targeting of subsequent cycles reflects this change. Both ipsilateral and contralateral hindlegs can retarget their movements. The trajectory of a single cycle of scratching directed towards a particular stimulus site can be modified after it has begun, so that the tarsus is redirected towards a new stimulus site. [References: 48]
机译:与许多四肢脊椎动物一样,蝗虫,血吸虫(Schistocerca gregaria)可以根据触觉刺激进行定向的抓挠动作。例如,对机翼上不同部位的刺激会引起不同的运动,这些运动会精确地对准目标,从而使后腿架穿过刺激部位。我已经分析了这些肢体运动,以定义在一系列实验条件下蝗虫正确靶向刺激部位的能力,尤其是,我描述了行为的某些方面,这些方面揭示了潜在的神经元反应途径。这些神经通路将成为进一步生理分析的主题。划伤过程中的肢体定位在形式上连续分级;不同的运动方式不会被急剧的过渡分开。肢体轨迹的计算考虑到后腿的起始姿势,因此可以使用不同的轨迹从不同的起始姿势到达一个共同的刺激部位。此外,响应单个刺激,从不同的起始姿势同时运动的两个后腿的轨迹可能会有所不同,因此它们的tarsi会聚到共同的刺激部位。可以使用不同的轨迹从相同的起始姿势到达一个共同的刺激部位。来自前爪的目标信息不仅沿神经索向下传递至同侧后肢,还可以跨神经索传递,因此对侧后肢也可以进行定向运动。这种对侧传递不依赖于周围的感觉反馈。当刺激部位在有节奏的刮擦过程中移动时,后续周期的目标反映了这一变化。同侧和对侧后腿都可以重新定向其运动。指向特定刺激部位的单个刮擦循环的轨迹可以在开始后进行修改,以便使tar架重新定向到新的刺激部位。 [参考:48]



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