首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experimental Biology >Minimum cost of transport in Asian elephants: do we really need a bigger

Minimum cost of transport in Asian elephants: do we really need a bigger


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Body mass is the primary determinant of an animal's energy requirements. At their optimum walking speed, large animals have lower mass-specific energy requirements for locomotion than small ones. In animals ranging in size from 0.8 g (roach) to 260 kg (zebu steer), the minimum cost of transport (COTmin) decreases with increasing body size roughly as COTmin proportional to body mass (M-b)(-0.316+/-0.023) (95% CI). Typically, the variation of COTmin with body mass is weaker at the intraspecific level as a result of physiological and geometric similarity within closely related species. The interspecific relationship estimates that an adult elephant, with twice the body mass of a mid-sized elephant, should be able to move its body approximately 23% cheaper than the smaller elephant. We sought to determine whether adult Asian and sub-adult African elephants follow a single quasi-intraspecific relationship, and extend the interspecific relationship between COTmin and body mass to 12-fold larger animals. Physiological and possibly geometric similarity between adult Asian elephants and sub-adult African elephants caused body mass to have a no effect on COTmin (COTmin proportional to M-b(0.007+/-0.455)). The COTmin in elephants occurred at walking speeds between 1.3 and similar to 1.5 ms(-1), and at Froude numbers between 0.10 and 0.24. The addition of adult Asian elephants to the interspecific relationship resulted in COTmin proportional to M-b(-0.277+/-0.046). The quasi-intraspecific relationship between body mass and COTmin among elephants caused the interspecific relationship to underestimate COTmin in larger elephants.
机译:体重是动物能量需求的主要决定因素。在最佳行走速度下,大型动物的运动所需的比重能量要比小型动物低。在大小从0.8克(蟑螂)到260千克(ze牛)的动物中,最小运输成本(COTmin)随着体型的增加而降低,因为COTmin与体重(Mb)成正比(-0.316 +/- 0.023) (95%CI)。通常,由于亲缘关系密切的物种之间的生理和几何相似性,COTmin随体重的变化在种内水平上较弱。种间关系估计,成年大象的体重是中型大象的两倍,因此它的身体应该比较小的大象便宜约23%。我们试图确定亚洲成年和非洲成年大象是否遵循单一的准种内关系,并将COTmin与体重之间的种间关系扩展到12倍大的动物。成年亚洲象与亚成年非洲象之间的生理相似性以及可能的几何相似性导致体重对COTmin(COTmin与M-b成比例(0.007 +/- 0.455))没有影响。大象的COTmin发生在1.3到1.5 ms(-1)的步行速度之间,Froude数在0.10到0.24之间。种间关系中再加上成年亚洲象导致COTmin与M-b成正比(-0.277 +/- 0.046)。大象之间体重与COTmin之间的准种内关系导致种间关系低估了大大象的COTmin。



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