首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experimental Biology >Sun-compass orientation in homing pigeons: Compensation for different rates of change in azimuth?

Sun-compass orientation in homing pigeons: Compensation for different rates of change in azimuth?


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Birds using their sun compass must compensate for the apparent movement of the sun with the help of their internal clock. The movement of the sun is not uniform, being much faster around noon than near sunrise and sunset. If the sun-compass mechanisms are not adjusted to these variations, consider able errors might arise. To learn whether birds are able to take the different rates of sun azimuth change into account, we subjected homing pigeons to a 4h fast dock-shift. The experiments were performed near Auckland, New Zealand, at a latitude of 37 degrees S, where the expected deflections for a 4h shift in summer vary from less than 40 degrees to more than 120 degrees, depending on time of day. One group of birds was released just after sunrise or during the corresponding; period in the afternoon when the expected deflections were minimal, the other group during late morning when they were maximal, The different sizes of the observed deflections - between 26 degrees and 51 degrees in the first group, and between 107 degrees and 153 degrees in the second group - clearly show that the birds' compensation mechanisms are closely tuned to the varying rates of change in sun azimuth, The results suggest that pigeons have a rather precise internal representation of the sun curve, which makes the avian sun compass a highly accurate mechanism of direction finding. [References: 36]
机译:鸟类使用其太阳罗盘必须借助内部时钟来补偿太阳的视在运动。太阳的运动不均匀,中午前后比日出和日落快得多。如果未将太阳罗盘机构调整为适合这些变化,请考虑可能会发生错误。为了了解鸟类是否能够考虑不同的太阳方位角变化率,我们对鸽子进行了4小时快速换档。实验是在新西兰奥克兰附近的南纬37度进行的,根据一天中的不同时间,夏季4小时班次的预期偏转范围从小于40度到大于120度不等。一群鸟在日出后或相应的时间被释放;下午的预期挠度最小的时段,另一组则在清晨的最大挠度时段,观察到的挠度的不同大小-第一组为26度至51度,第二组为107度至153度第二组-清楚地表明,鸟类的补偿机制与太阳方位角的变化率密切相关,结果表明,鸽子对太阳曲线的内部表示非常精确,这使鸟类的太阳罗盘成为高度精确的机制寻找方向。 [参考:36]



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