首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experimental Biology >Cranial kinesis in gekkonid lizards

Cranial kinesis in gekkonid lizards


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Cranial kinesis was studied in two species of gekkonid lizard, Gekko gecko and Phelsuma madagascariensis, using cineradiography and electromyography. The skull of these geckoes showed the three types of kinesis described by Versluys at the beginning of this century: streptostyly, mesokinesis and metakinesis. In accordance with the later model of Frazzetta, the skull of these animals can be modelled by a quadratic crank system: when the mouth opens during feeding, the quadrate rotates forward, the palato-maxillary unit is lifted and the occipital unit swings forward. During jaw closing, the inverse movements are observed; during crushing, the system is retracted beyond its resting position. The data gathered here indicate that the coupled kinesis (streptostyly + mesokinesis) is most prominently present during the capture and crushing cycles of feeding and is largely absent during late intraoral transport, swallowing, drinking and breathing. The electromyographic data indicate a consistent pattern of muscular activation, with the jaw opener and pterygoid protractor always active during the fast opening phase, and the jaw closers active during closing and crushing. Our data generally support the model of Frazzetta. Although the data gathered here do not allow speculation on the functional significance of the kinesis, they clearly provide some key elements required for a further investigation of the functional and adaptive basis of the system.
机译:使用放射线照相术和肌电图术研究了两种壁虎蜥蜴(Gekko壁虎和Phelsuma madagascariensis)的颅底运动。这些壁虎的头骨显示了本世纪初Versluys描述的三种运动学类型:链结肌,中肌运动和代谢动力学。根据Frazzetta的较新模型,可以通过二次曲柄系统对这些动物的头骨进行建模:进食时张开嘴,正方形向前旋转,抬起上颌骨单位,然后枕骨向前摆动。在下颚闭合期间,观察到反向运动。在压碎期间,系统缩回其静止位置之外。此处收集的数据表明,在运动的捕获和压碎周期中,耦合运动(链肌运动+肌代谢运动)最为明显,而在后期的口腔内运输,吞咽,饮水和呼吸过程中则不存在。肌电图数据显示了一致的肌肉激活模式,在快速张开阶段,下颚张开器和翼状pro肌量角器始终处于活动状态,而在闭合和压碎期间,下颚闭合器处于活动状态。我们的数据通常支持Frazzetta模型。尽管此处收集的数据不允许推测运动学的功能重要性,但它们显然提供了进一步研究系统功能和自适应基础所需的一些关键要素。



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